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I'm A Woman

A woman's life is a quest for balance from childhood. Since our early years we are being told that good girls should not misbehave and that crying is unbecoming. We are constantly being reminded to be neat and keep our room clean, to sit straight and not laugh too loud.

As young girls, we hear: don't swear, you're a girl. You need to lose weight. You're too skinny. The main thing is to marry well.

A woman should take care of herself. Be kind, but not too much. A bit of strictness won't hurt. Know how to cook a delicious meal. Be his support. Inspire. Family comes first. No friends. There's no such thing as friends, there can't be friendship with men. It's a man's world. Know your place. It's time to get married. Have children before 35. Stop having children. Find a job. Your job interferes with child-rearing. You don't give your husband space to breathe... This list could go on endlessly.

We strive to compete with men by their rules and enjoy the role of mother and wife by ours. We seek support from men and aspire to independence. We learn to say "no," but we speak up when we can't bear it anymore. We turn to psychologists for healing. We make mistakes. We live. We give life.

Each article within the Women's Aid Foundation project "I am a woman" will help find a point of support. Practical advice. Psychologist's opinions. Book recommendations. Checklists and "unsolicited" advice from a friend with care, love, and solidarity. Scientific facts and interesting stories in women's voices.

With this project, we say to you: "It's normal to be emotional, tough, weak, loving, goal-oriented. It's normal not to be okay. To ask for help. To be friends with women. To be yourself."

In women's solidarity lies our strength. No one understands us better than we do.

With love and respect,

Belarus Women's Foundation


Project I'm A Woman (belaruswomen.org)

Проект Я - женщина (belaruswomen.org)

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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