+++164 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1341 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 21.02.25

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Women’s leadership and participation in political decision-making

The role of women in different fields of life in Belarus is far less equal than in the countries around. The non-legitimate president Lukashenko has for many years led a policy that minimizes the involvment of women in state and municipal managing authorities, in key positions of governmental institutions or businesses. Belarusian women were written off by Lukashenko’s deeply held belief that women are unsuited to politics.

However, the course of events after August 9, 2020, and even before – during the pre-election campaign, shows that they were exactly women who took over the fight of the men after they were imprisoned or forced to leave the country. The three women were the ones to inspire and start the massive protest actions throughout the whole country ongoing despite the violence from the regime.

BWF aims to achieve a broad participation of women in key areas of development of Belarusian society, using all their rights and responsibilities in a truly equal partnership with men. 

We will work to increase the representation of women in elected offices, civil services, private businesses or academical circles. 

We will inspire women's leadership, involvement in decision-making, influence on political and socially important processes.

We will make sure that state legislation and public services respond to women’s needs and priorities.