+++166 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1347 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 04.02.25

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Belarus Women's Foundation wishes you a Merry Christmas!

The team of the Belarus Women's Foundation

wishes you a Merry Christmas!

Christmas is a time when more than ever you want to believe in and hope for the best.  On that day, we will definitely embrace our family and friends, and we will gather round a large family table.  Some will go to church for a Christmas service, some will meet friends, some will spend the day on their own.

 However, wherever we are and whoever we are with, we must remember those who, during this festive period, remain prisoners of the regime, are under investigation or under house arrest, or were forced to flee the country in fear for their freedom and their life.  ...  Think about them. Send them a postcard or help them in any way you can.  After all, Christmas is first and foremost about loving and helping the others.  

 Today we do not want to utter empty phrases.  We simply want to wish for all of us one thing - that fairness and justice prevail.  Let us continue to fight - for ourselves, our families and those who have suffered

for our freedom.

З Калядамі!
С Рождеством!
 Merry Christmas!
 Buon Natale!
 Frohe Weihnachten!

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

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