+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1332 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 09.03.25

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The Belarus Women's Foundation wishes our friends and supporters

a bright, peaceful and happy Easter!

Remembering Christ's sacrifice, we also think about the many Belarusian prisoners and repressed people who have to spend this holiday in the prisons of Lukashenko's cruel regime.

They have sacrificed for a better future for all of us.

Therefore, we continue to fight until all political prisoners are released in Belarus!

Happy Easter!

Беларускі Жаночы Фонд віншуе са светлым святам Вялікадня!
Мы жадаем міра і дабра, радасці і любові!

Успамінаючы ахвяру Ісуса Хрыста, мы думаем пра тысячы рэпрэсаваных беларусаў, якім даводзіцца праводзіць гэтае свята ў засценках турмаў рэжыму Лукашэнкі. Яны ахвяравалі сабой дзеля лепшай будучыні для ўсіх нас.

Таму мы працягваем барацьбу датуль, пакуль у Беларусі не будуць вызваленыя ўсе палітвязні!

Са светлым Святам Вялікадня!

#HappyEaster #Easter #Easter2023 #EasterSunday



Urgent Appeal: Collective Ultimatum to Lukashenka!

 #UltimatumToLukashenka #FreePoliticalPrisoners 

#StopRailTransit #StopRailCargo #Belarus

- Project "Road to The Hague"

#LukashenkaTribunal  #ArrestWarrant for #Lukashenka 

Urgent Appeal #FreeBelarusWomen

#FreeBelarusWomen #FreePolicalPrisoners


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Women political prisoners in Belarus

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

Thank you very much for your support!