+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1331 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 10.03.25

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UPDATE dd. 20.04.22


"They are fleeing their homeland: when a choice is between going to prison or leaving your country

We have good news!

After careful examination of the activities of the Belarus Women's Foundation, PayPal returned us the ability to accept donations! We want to thank PayPal for its position not to finance the bloody regimes of Lukashenka and Putin, as well as for the opportunity to help the families of women political prisoners with just one click!

As per today, 20.04.22, donated 690,00 Euro

A massive thanks to everyone who has already contributed

to this great cause

After the events of 2020 thousands of women in Belarus face political persecution and growing pressure by the Lukashenka’s dictatorial regime. As a result of being under constant threat to lose their freedom, health, children and in fear for their lives, many are forced to flee Belarus and to seek temporary shelter somewhere else.

Women who dared to openly express their views, to speak the truth about the situation in Belarus and to protest, are being targeted by the criminal regime and are given no choice but to flee.

The painful decision to leave their homes and homeland presents a significant number of challenges. The majority of those who have been forced to emigrate had only the most essential items on them. 

Our Foundation offers help to the displaced women fleeing political persecution in Belarus. We need your support as our solidarity is the main weapon against the dictatorship.

Please join our campaign and donate any amount:

PayPal: Donate (paypal.com)
Baltkrievijas Sieviesu atbalsta fonds
IBAN: LV64HABA0551049976369
(notice „displaced“)

AND! You can also visit our Online Shop, where you can buy stylish and useful gifts for yourselves and your loved ones. All proceeds go to charity.

Help for displaced women fleeing political persecution in Belarus (belaruswomen.org)

#SupportBelarusWomen !
#FreeBelarusWomen #SOSBelarus #FreePoliticalPrisoners #Accountability4Belarus #LukashenkaTribunal

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Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

Thank you very much for your support!

Women political prisoners in Belarus

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

Thank you very much for your support!