+++164 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1340 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 23.02.25

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Worldwide Solidarity Rallies for Women's Rallies in Belarus

On October 10, 2020 more than 20 countries around the world supported the weekly Saturday women's rallies in Belarus:

Austria, Vienna: Demo: Frauen für Frauen in Belarus / Performance "RED Silence - One Billiion Rising Austria / Ballhausplatz, 1010 Wien (belarus-diaspora.at)  

Belgium, Brüssel:

Brazil: link report

Canada, Ottawa: link report

Denmark, Kopenhagen: link report    link report video 

Estonia, Tallin: link photo gallery

France, Paris: link report


Berlin: link report

München: link report

Hamburg: link report

Hungary, Budapest:  link report

Ireland: link report


Rome: link report

Sicily (Nealel, Messina): link report

Japan, Tokio: link report

Latvia, Riga: link report

Lithuania, Vilnius: link report 1, link report 2, link report 3

Norway, Oslo: link report

Russian Federation, Moscow: link report

Norway, Oslo: link report

Russian Federation, Moscow: link report

Switzerland: link report 

United Kingdom, London: link report   photo gallery

USA: link report


Open letter from women in Belarus

Women of the world!

We, the women of Belarus, appeal to you for help

Belarus is a country in central Europe, bordering Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Ukraine and Russia. It is also known as the last dictatorship in Europe.

During the events following the rigged presidential elections on August 9th 2020, during which the government persecuted opposition leaders, brutally cracked down on peaceful protests and tortured demonstrators, Belarusian women had to take on the role of a peacekeeping force.

Protests against police violence were attended by thousands of Belarusian women, clad in white and holding flowers. They became known all over the world as #womeninwhite.

Their actions helped for some short period of time reduce the level of violence in the country. However, Lukashenko and his helpers found them to be a significant threat to the regime. So, they increased pressure on women. Every Saturday Women's Peace Marches now result in mass detentions of up to 500 at a time.

Our women are forced to sign bogus protocols, routinely insulted, kept in cold cells in inhumane conditions. Mothers are threatened with the intervention of Child Protection Services and having their children taken away from their families. People are dismissed from jobs in state-owned firms and given hefty illegal fines.

State media is attempting to defile the reputation of protesting women. State channels refer to women as alcoholics, drug addicts, prostitutes, sheep, "breeding sows", who should "stay home and look after the family", "women who sleep with sweaty men" and similar terms. 

Would you believe such terms coming out of your TV at prime time? We find this to be completely unacceptable. Women in Belarus stand for peace and respect for human rights in our country.

Women's solidarity knows no bounds.

We ask all women around the world to stand with us in our struggle for human rights and dignity.

How can you support us?

March through the central streets/squares of your towns and cities on any Saturday. Wear white and bring flowers. Let the energy of our solidarity resonate all over the world!

If there is anyone left who still thinks that women cannot change anything - we will convince them otherwise!

 #FreeBelarusWomen !

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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