+++164 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1340 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 23.02.25

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ASOS online store will no longer deliver goods in Belarus

ASOS online store will no longer deliver goods in Belarus, the reason for this is EU sanctions.

Here is another reason why fashion cannot exist without freedom. 

ASOS is a British online clothing and cosmetics store. The website sells more than 850 brands, as well as its own range of clothing and accessories. On their website, we can see a description of the brand:

"We believe in a world where you have total freedom to be you, without judgement. To experiment. To express yourself. To be brave and grab life as the extraordinary adventure it is. So we make sure everyone has an equal chance to discover all the amazing things they’re capable of – no matter who they are, where they’re from or what looks they like to boss. We exist to give you the confidence to be whoever you want to be."

Nowadays, when beautiful Belarusian women are arrested for the color of their clothes, the refusal of the ASOS brand to sell its products on the territory of a merciless dictatorship is the right decision and a great help to us in the fight for our freedom.

We thank the ASOS team. Thank you for being true to your values and for not being indifferent.


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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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