+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1332 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 09.03.25

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Vivienne Westwood - One of the main activists of the fashion industry, who feel free to talk about important things

Vivienne Westwood Vivienne Westwood is a fashion designer, she declared herself a cultural phenomenon from the very beginning. She is rightfully considered the "mother of punk" and one of the main activists of the fashion industry, who feel free to talk about important things. Design for Vivienne is a means of communicating her own ideas – from cultural to political. Vivienne Westwood took part in protests of young doctors demanding better working conditions, drove up to the Prime Minister's house in a tank, created a petition against genetically modified products, and also creates special collections in support of various environmental projects.

We want to tell Vivien about the detention of Belarusian Natalia Sivtseva-Sedushkina . The girl was detained and fined for red and white socks. Natalia says that on that day she was going to a driving school course, she was wearing white socks with a red stripe. Four security officers in balaclavas and black clothes came up the girl, said that her socks were the wrong color, picked her up and carried her to the prison truck. The judge fined Natalia up to 2320 bel. rub.(900$). Earlier, she was fined up to 2,030 bel. rub. ($790) for red and white ribbons hanging on the balcony of her apartment.

We urge Vivienne Westwood to join our project Fashion for Freedom and devote an item in her next collection to Belarusian women and their struggle for democracy and freedom, including the freedom to wear our national colors – red and white.

Let's tell Vivienne Westwood and her followers about our struggle. May they remember the bravery of Belarusian women each time they wear red and white. You can pick a red and white item in Vivienne's designer collection and explain in a comment to it what these colors mean to Belarusians. Ask the designer to devote this item or one of the future ones to the brave Belarusian women.


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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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