+++195 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus in custody + 615 WOMEN under partial house arrest+++ 5 MINORS in custody! +++in TOTAL: 1492 political prisoners in custody+++ per 26.07.24

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Action "Christmas gifts for children of political prisoners in Belarus"

Christmas and New Year is a time for miracles!

Published: Twitter, Facebook, Instragram, Telegram

Unfortunately, for many children of women political prisoners, the festive season will be overshadowed by the absence of the person closest to them, and they will not feel the warmth and comfort of their mothers' arms. 

We have to help these children and bring them joy!

Let's give them a real Christmas and

make their deepest wishes come true!

The Belarus Women's Foundation is launching a fundraiser to buy presents for the children of women in prison. Every child should feel needed and important at this time of year, and their mothers need to know that while they are behind bars, their children are being cared for and loved. 


We invite you to take part in our efforts. Join us and donate any amount via:

PayPal: Donate (paypal.com)


Baltkrievijas Sieviesu atbalsta fonds

IBAN: LV64HABA0551049976369


Payment purpose: 'xmas'

AND! You can also visit our Online Shop. where you can buy stylish and useful gifts for yourselves and your loved ones. All proceeds will go to charity.

A massive thanks to everyone who has 

contributed to this great cause!

Final Update dd. 07.01.22:

donated (incl. 210,00 Euro from BWF volunteers):

Собрано всего:

 46 children in Belarus received presents:


1.181,51 Euro

1.118,49 Euro

2.300,00 Euro

-2.300,00 Euro

0 Euro


  • Thank you so much!
  • Hello. Thank you very much. It’s a pleasure. Happy holidays for your team and Veronica. We’ll continue our fight
  • How good of you!
  • Good afternoon, thank you very much, we are preparing a big present, we'll just add this money to the total amount. thank you!
  • Thank you very much.
  • Hello! Oh, how unexpected & lovely... Thank you so much! Happy New Year! )
  • Thank you very much)
  • Thank you, you are doing great. Thank you so much!!!
  • Thank you. Happy New Year! God bless you for your care!!!
  • thank you very much!

#SupportBelarusChildren !

# Post Tags

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

Thank you very much for your support!

Women political prisoners in Belarus

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

Thank you very much for your support!