+++174 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1405 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 13.10.24

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Help for displaced women fleeing political persecution in Belarus

#displaced !

They are fleeing their homeland: when a choice is between going to prison

or leaving your country 

After the events of 2020 thousands of women in Belarus face political persecution and growing pressure by the Lukashenka’s dictatorial regime. As a result of being under constant threat to lose their freedom, health, children and in fear for their lives, many are forced to flee Belarus and to seek temporary shelter somewhere else.

Women who dared to openly express their views, to speak the truth about the situation in Belarus and to protest, are being targeted by the criminal regime and are given no choice but to flee.

The painful decision to leave their homes and homeland presents a significant number of challenges. The majority of those who have been forced to emigrate had only the most essential items on them. 

Our Foundation offers help to the displaced women fleeing political persecution in Belarus: Women in forced emigration | Женщины в вынужденной эмиграции (belaruswomen.org). We need your support as our solidarity is the main weapon against the dictatorship.

Join us and donate any amount via:
PayPal: Donate (paypal.com)

Baltkrievijas Sieviesu atbalsta fonds
IBAN: LV64HABA0551049976369

Payment purpose: 'displaced'

By banking transfer this QR code can be also helpfull:

A massive thanks to everyone who has contributed to this great cause! 

Update dd. 06.06.23:      ​​


received in total:

 already helped:

applications in processing:

balance/-still needed:

9.077,01 Euro

1.000,00 Euro

10.077,01 Euro

-10.000,00 Euro

-1.500,00 Euro

-1.422,99 Euro

A special THANK YOU goes to  BlueKarla.de:

BlueKarla sammelt 5.000 Euro für Belarus Women's Foundation - Medien - BlueKarla


27.10.22: Thank you very much for your help!  In a new country, awaiting refugee status and no right to work, it has been vital. The money helps me not only financially, but psychologically, because I worry every day about how to pay the rent, whether I will have enough money to buy food next month... it helps me to sleep easy for at least a few weeks and not to have excess worry about finding a job or thinking about my legalization.

25.10.22: A huge thank you to your foundation. This is important and timely help! Thank you for your timely assistance in forced emigration with children!

25.10.22 Good day, kind people! I want to thank you all very much, I have just received a letter from your foundation. It is a great help in the recovery of my health after my incarceration and flight from our country... Coming to a foreign country (although kind and understanding) and staying, it seems at first, one on one with its problems and "bruises" - it's just a breath of air.

 Once again, thank you very much for your work and support!

 Love you all, your Tanya))

06.10.22 Hi, thank you so much for all your help! К.


hello! very glad to receive your letter:) Thank you so much for your response! R.

06.10.22: Good afternoon. Thank you very much. Good luck and take care of yourselves and your loved ones.

06.10.22: Thank you very much for the work you are doing to support women forced to flee their country. Respectfully and thankfully

06.10.22: Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Ačiū. All the best

04.10.22: Thank you very much! Everything arrived, it was all very necessary)

30.09.22: ...The money from you just arrived. Thank you so much for helping us. ...If possible, please give Veronica my regards and a deep bow

30.09.22: The money has arrived. Thank you very much

27.09.22: Thank you for what you do, for your support and concern for people

17.08.22:  Thank you very much for support

14.06.22: Hi, I almost didn't count, but very nice! Thank you very much, we are very grateful

09.06.22: Having left your home and being in another country, you try to understand and realize where you are and what happened to you. You feel uncertain and confused, because you hadn’t been prepared for moving to another country. The girls from Belarus Women's Foundation helped me to adapt during this difficult period. I was provided with both psychological and financial assistance, which helped me to settle in a new place. Thanks to everyone who contributes to our common struggle!

09.02.22: It is a huge strain and undertaking for every family that is forced to flee their homes on political grounds – particularly for women and mothers. The first three weeks you spend adapting and coming to terms with what has happened, and in this phase, it is important to have loved ones close by.

The next question that occurs is “What next? Where to? How can I have a positive impact on other political prisoners that are stuck in Belarus, willing or unwilling to leave? How can I help those who are in worse conditions, sitting in camps and prisons? Where do I start to find work?” If you were yourself a political prisoner, then on top of all these questions, nightmares and trauma from your experiences make life even more difficult. A woman from the Belarus Women’s Foundation connected with me, offered me psychological help and an allowance, which were crucial in starting to live my life, and in finding myself again. It was so important to me to continue volunteering and somehow help political prisoners, those that are still in Belarus, those that emigrated, those that cannot or don’t want to emigrate, and those that are incarcerated. The Belarus Women’s Foundation helped me to come to terms with many diverse problems, so a big thank you to all the girls there.

Report about political prisoner Kira Bayarenka “I want the guilty to be brought to justice” | Репортаж о политзаключенной Кире Бояренко «Хачу, каб вінаватых пакаралі». Беларуска – пра тое, як страціла ў СІЗА дзіця (belswit.eu)

14.12.21:  Thank you very much for the timely allowance

Report abt. political prisoner Hanna Sunhurava | Репортаж о политзаключенной Анне СунгуровойBelsat:

06.12.21: Thank you very much

Interview with political prisoner Mаryia Babovich under Project "My step to freedom" | Интервью с политзаключенной Марией Бобович в рамках проекта "Мой шаг к свободе", BWF:

infos & in media:

13.05.23: #karlspreis2023 / Karlspreis-Europa-Forum (belaruswomen.org)

Май 2022: BWF allocated 1,000,- Euro for the action "Help for displaced women fleeing political persecution in Belarus" from the reserve fund "Международные премии Вероники Цепкало (belaruswomen.org)"

26.01.22: Как жить, если лишают родины | When they rob you of your country, вДудь:

Страна в изгнании. Как белaрусы бегут от режима Лукашенко и на что надеются. Фильм Маши Борзуновой. Страна в изгнании: как белорусы бегут от режима Лукашенко и на что надеются (tvrain.ru)

# Post Tags

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

Thank you very much for your support!