+++164 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1341 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 21.02.25

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Assistance to politicaly persecuted women in Belarus

#SupportBelarusWomen !

Currently, Belarusian women are facing daily injustice, lawlessness, and a legal vacuum organized at the hands of dictator Lukashenka and his junta.

Criminal and administrative charges, imprisonment, fines that are higher than the average income in Belarus, civil lawsuits, systematic pressure, and surveillance by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB, constant threats of losing one’s parental rights or children being removed from their families, threats to the lives and safety of these women and their families is now just a fact of life in Belarus.

These women are in need of our financial support, and we cannot turn a blind eye to their plight!

You can become a part of this beneficial righteous deed

Join us and donate any amount via:
PayPal: Donate (paypal.com)

Baltkrievijas Sieviesu atbalsta fonds
IBAN: LV64HABA0551049976369

Payment purpose: 'women'

By banking transfer this QR code can be also helpfull:

A massive thanks to everyone who has contributed to this great cause! 

Update 30.01.23:      ​​


received in total:

 helped 2 women:

applications in processing:


220,00 Euro

230,00 Euro

450,00 Euro

-440,00 Euro

-880,00 Euro

-870,00 Euro

Оооо, thank you)))) very much!!!!!!

Even the smallest step is a step towards our shared victory

#SupportBelarusWomen !

 see also: Support for children of women political prisoners in Belarus (belaruswomen.org)

Among female political prisoners there are mothers, including mothers of large families, as well as single mothers! Each of them dreams of the prosperity and happiness of their children.

As long as these women remain behind bars, our task is to help and support their children, providing the mothers with at least a little sense of relief #SupportBelarusChildren

# Post Tags

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

Thank you very much for your support!

Women political prisoners in Belarus

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

Thank you very much for your support!