+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1331 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 10.03.25

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Urgent Appeal #FreeBelarusWomen


On 1st of March 2021, Belarus Women’s Foundation published and sent to more than 50 international women’s and human rights groups, politicians, political and community activists its urgent call to action in response to the critical humanitarian situation of thousands of women in Belarus created by the Lukashenka regime:

„…Achieving the release of female political prisoners in Belarus is our primary and unconditional goal.

In this regard, we, representatives of women in Belarus, call to:

- immediately and unconditionally release of ALL FEMALE POLITICAL PRISONERS and drop all the criminal and administrative charges they are facing;

 - immediate release of ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS in Belarus and their full & immediate rehabilitation, reparation of ALL political prisoners in Belarus;

- stop the criminal and administrative prosecution of all unlawfully detained women, politicians, democratic activists, bloggers, people who want to build a country for life, people who have suffered severely after peaceful actions for their rights;

-  hold all those involved by the Lukashenka and his regime accountable… „

full text of Urgent Appeal 

Poster & Flyer

Project „Urgent Appeal #FreeBelarusWomen“ in social media:

- Urgent Appeal / #FreeBelarusWomen | Facebook

- Urgent Appeal / #FreeBelarusWomen |  Twitter

- Urgent Appeal / #FreeBelarusWomen | Instagram


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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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