+++195 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus in custody + 615 WOMEN under partial house arrest+++ 5 MINORS in custody! +++in TOTAL: 1492 political prisoners in custody+++ per 26.07.24

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ANTONAVA Natallia | АНТОНОВА Наталья

born | д.р.: 12.06.60  detained | задержана: 17.11.22 - 17.03.23

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 3 years  partial house arrest | "дом. химия" (belaruswomen.org)

for participating in protests; from Hrodna

#FreeAntonava ! 
#Антонава #Antonava #Антонова

Detained for participating in protests in 2020. Sentenced to 3 years partial house arrest.

In February 2024, Lyudmila was detained again after a mass raid by security forces on January 23, 2024. The likely charge was "treason."

Задержана за участие в акциях протеста 2020. Осуждена на 3 года "домашней химии".

В феврале 2024 Людмилу снова задерживали после массового рейда силовиков 23 января 2024г. Вероятная статья — "измена государству".

N. Antonava infos & in media:

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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