+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1331 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 10.03.25

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CHUMAK Anastasiya | ЧУМАК Анастасия

born | д.р.: 02.03.88    detained | задержана: 21.10.22 - 14.02.23

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 3 years partial house arrest | "дом. химия"

for participating in protests 


#Чумак #Chumak

A. Chumak infos​ & in media:

27.12.22: 18 more prisoners declared political in Belarus (spring96.org)

27.12.22: Заявление правозащитников о признании 18 новых политических заключенных (spring96.org)

Anastasiya Chumak was detained on 21.10.22 and sentenced to 14 days of administrative arrest. Later she was sentenced to another 10 days, and then to 14 more days. After that she was charged under Art. 342 CC 'Active participation in group actions that grossly violate public order' and transferred to a pre-trial detention center.

Анастасия Чумак была задержана 21.10.22 и осуждена на 14 суток административного ареста, а затем еще на 10 и 14 суток. Затем ей предъявили обвинение по ст. 342 УК "Активное участие в групповых действиях, грубо нарушающих общественный порядок" и перевели в СИЗО.

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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