+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1328 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 14.03.25

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born | д.р.:    04.10.79         detained | задержана: 26.07.21

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 3 years in a penal colony

for "insulting president"; activist from Mahiliou

 released | освобождена: in spring 2024 - fully served her sentence

women released | женщины освобождены (belaruswomen.org)

#FreeIlyina !
#Ільіна #Ilyina #Ильина 

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Ricarda Lang (German Bundestag, Alliance 90/The Greens) for “The situation at the Belarusian border is still catastrophic. People have been trying to flee from Belarus to Poland for weeks. What is needed is not only humanitarian aid on the ground, but also tougher sanctions against Lukashenko. We must not forget that people who take to the streets for democracy in Belarus continue to be innocently arrested. One of them is Hanna Ilyina. She has been in prison since the end of July this year and has already been sentenced to 3 years in prison for insulting the president. As part of @liberecophr’s campaign for Belarusian prisoners, I have become her godparent. I call for Hannas Ilyina’s release and stand with all the people who stand up for freedom, democracy and fair elections in Belarus!”

#48 in project "Unbreakable" | "Несломленные" 

#unbreakable #behindbars  #несломленные #зарешеткой

Hanna Ilyina is an activist based in Mahilioŭ.

The woman was arrested on 26.07.21. Hanna was later charged with libel against the president under Art. 367 CC.

On 15.10.21 Hanna Ilyina was sentenced to 3 years in a general-security penal colony after a closed trial.

Hanna Ilyina kommt aus Mahilёŭ. Sie wurde am 26.07.21 festgenommen, wegen Verleumdung des belarussischen Präsidenten angeklagt und kam in Untersuchungshaft.
Am 15.10.21 wurde Sie zu einer Haftstrafe von 3 Jahren verurteilt.

Анна Ильина — активистка из Могилева.

Анну задержали 26.07.21 по уголовному делу. Позже стало известно, что ей предъявили обвинение по статье о "клевете в отношении президента" ч.2 ст. 367 УК.

15.10.21 Анну Ильину приговорили к 3 годам колонии общего режима. 

Hanna Ilyina in media:

19.08.22: Hanna Ilyina in project "Unbreakable" | "Несломленные", BWF

16.10.21: Могилевской активистке Анне Ильиной присудили три года колонии якобы за клевету в адрес Лукашенко (spring96.org)

15.10.21: "Могилевской активистке избирательной группы Бабарико присудили три года колонии", Euroradio

25.08.21: "Галоўная » Политзаключенная могилевчанка Анна Ильина внезапно отказалась от адвоката", 6tv.by

20.08.21: "4 more political prisoners convicted in defamation trials", Vjasna

20.08.21: Заявление правозащитных организаций Беларуси о признании четырех политзаключенных (spring96.org)


Hanna Ilyina — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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