+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1328 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 12.03.25

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born | д.р.:  10.02.88      detained | задержана: 03.04.23 - 24.08.23

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 2,5 years partial house arrest | "дом.химия"

detained for "participating in protests 2020";

mother of 2 daughters (5 and 10 years old)

#FreeKaminskaya !

#Камінская #Kaminskaya #Каминская

Detained for participating in protests in 2020. Maryia has 2 daughters (5 and 10 years old).

Задержана за участие в акциях протеста в 2020 году. Мария -  мама 2-ух дочек ( 5 и 10 лет).

M. Kaminskaya infos & in media: 

#ганьбакарсюк #shamekarsiuk #выскачка #ShameJudges #ShameJudge #Karsiuk   #даведачка #davedachka #blacklist #sanctions  

#позоркарсюк #выскочка #мывсезаписываем

Звяртаемся да так званага "суддзі" Карсюка і патрабуем спыніць здзекі над нявіннымі беларусамі! 

We appeal to the so-called "judge"  Karsiuk  and demand to stop the bullying of innocent Belarusians!


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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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