+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1328 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 14.03.25

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born | д.р.: 08.12.79   detained | задержана:  05.01.23

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 2 years in a penal colony

for posting in social media "slanderous information about Lukashenka";

mother of 1 minor​

released | освобождена: 20.08.24 - pardoned

women released | женщины освобождены (belaruswomen.org)

#FreeKaravai !
#Каравай #Karavai

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Konstantin von Notz (deputy chairperson of Alliance ’90/The Greens in the German Bundestag) for Tamara Karavai: “Tamara Karavai, whose godparenthood I have been allowed to take over, has been sentenced to two years in prison. The charge: defamation of President Lukashenko. Despite massive intimidation, Tamara has publicly criticised the country’s leadership. My godparenthood is an expression of solidarity not only with Tamara Karavai, but with all citizens who fight every day for respect for human rights and the rule of law in Belarus. I call for the rule of law and the release of Tamara Karavai and all other unjustly imprisoned people in Belarus. The Belarusian Government must immediately stop the violence, repression and arbitrary arrests, guarantee fair and free elections and finally ensure democracy and the rule of law.”

Tamara Karavai was accused of defamation against Lukashenka according to Part 1 of Art. 367 СС "Defamation against the President of Belarus".

On 05.01.23, she was taken into custody pending trial. It is known that Tamara Karavai has a minor child as a dependent.

On 29.03.23, in the Luniniec District Court, "judge" Katsiaryna Kleuzhyts sentenced Tamara Karavai to 2 years colony and compulsory treatment for chronic alcoholism.

Charges indicted:

Art. 367 CC "Slander against the President of the Republic of Belarus"

Tamara Karavai was sentenced to 2 years colony.

Тамару Степановну Каравай обвинили в клевете в адрес Лукашенко.

05.01.23 женщина была помещена под стражу до суда. Известно, что у Тамары Каравай на иждивении имеется несовершеннолетний ребёнок.

Суд в Лунинце 29.03.23 постановил наказать её лишением свободы сроком на 2 года с отбыванием в исправительной колонии в условиях общего режима, а также применить к женщине принудительные меры безопасности и лечения от хронического алкоголизма по месту отбывания наказания. Дело рассматривала "судья" Лунинецкого районного суда Екатерина Клевжиц.

Предъявлены обвинения:

ст. 367 УК "Клевета в отношении президента Республики Беларусь"

2 года лишения свободы в колонии в условиях общего режима.

T. Karavai infos & in media:

21.04.23: Political prisoner count in Belarus hits 1,500 people (spring96.org)

21.04.23: Заява праваабаронцаў аб прызнанні 11 палітычных зняволеных (spring96.org)

14.04.23: У Лунінцы асудзілі мясцовую жыхарку, якая нібыта паклёпнічала на Лукашэнку (spring96.org)


Tamara Karavai — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

Tamara Stepanovna Karavay — Dissidentby

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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