born | д.р.: 22.08.87 detained | задержана: 20.09.21 - 16.09.24
sentenced by lukashenka regime to 3,5 years in a penal colony
Case "Viciebsk performances"
released | освобождена: 16.09.24 - pardoned
#FreeLabunova !
#Лабунова #Labunova #Лобунова
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Ye-One Rhie (German Bundestag, Social Democratic Party) for Yuliya Labunova: “The right to freedom of expression, artistic freedom and protest is an important democratic good and a fundamental right. Yuliya Labunova has not committed any crime with her creative protest action. On the contrary, she has shown her courage and made use of the right to freedom of expression and offered resistance to Lukashenko. The arrest of Yuliya Labunova proves once again that Lukashenko tramples democratic and freedom values and uses any kind of repression to silence his civil society. I demand the release of Yuliya Labunova and all other political prisoners!”

Yuliya Labunova was arrested on 20.09.21 and charged under Part 2 of Art. 339 of the Criminal Code (hooliganism) for staging a performance, together with Iryna Piartsova and Artsiom Latyshau, during which a plaque reading “Aliaksandr Lukashenka. 30.08.1954-30.08.2021” and a portrait of Lukashenka with a black ribbon were attached to a tombstone cross. They then uncorked a bottle of champagne and poured the contents onto the grave. On 20.05.22 Yuliya was sentenced to 3,5 years in prison
Юлия Лобунова была задержана 20.09.21 года по уголовному делу за перформанс на городском кладбище, когда компания молодых людей установила на могилу портрет Лукашенко и открыла шампанское. Юлии предъявлено обвинение по ч. 2 ст. 339 Уголовного кодекса (Хулиганство). Ее поместили в СИЗО до суда.
20.05.22 Юлия была осуждена на 3,5 года лишения свободы в колонии общего режима.
Y. Labunova infos & in media:
15.02.23: Yuliya Labunova in project "Unbreakable" | "Несломленные", BWF
22.08.22: З Днем Нараджэння, Юлія! Happy Birthday, Yuliya! Greatingcards sent by BWF to prison

22.08.22:«Калі трэба — распраўляе свае крылы». Павіншуйце Юлію Лабунову з Днём народзінаў, Вясна
20.05.22: Вынесеныя суровыя прысуды ўдзельнікам "віцебскіх перформансаў" (
07.05.22: Віцебск: У судзе за “экстрэмісцкія перформансы” дапыталі сведкаў і абвясцілі тайм-аут (
25.04.22: У Віцебску чатырох палітвязняў судзяць за “экстрэмісцкія перформансы” (
18.11.21: "Human rights defenders call to release 5 persons held on "extremism" and "hooliganism" charges", Viasna
18.11.21: "Заявление правозащитных организаций Беларуси о признании пяти новых политзаключенных", Viasna