+++174 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1405 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 13.10.24

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LOIKA Nasta | ЛОЙКА Наста

born | д.р.: 06.01.89   detained | задержана: 28.10.22

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 7 years in a penal colony

human rights defender

#FreeLoika !  #НастаВыходзь
#Лойка #Loika

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Fourat Ben Chikha (Member of the Belgian Senate, Groen) for Tatiana Kouzina: “Brave young women are transforming the world. The answer of the Belarusian authoritarian regime is to put those who bravely speak out against human rights violations in prison. I stand by you, Anastasya Loika and will keep fighting for your, and all other political prisoners immediate release. Thank you Libereco for this godparentcampaign”

Nasta Loika is a prominent Belarusian woman human rights defender. In her human rights work, Nasta Loika has been focusing on repressive “anti-extremist” laws, and on the protection of the migrants and stateless people rights in Belarus. The woman human rights defender has also been working in the field of human rights education. In the summer of 2021, Belarus authorities shut down the organization Nasta Loika used to work with, Human Constanta, which promoted public interests and joint actions in response to modern challenges in the field of human rights, as a part of an orchestrated attack against the civil society in the country.


On 28.10.22 human rights defender Nasta Loika was detained again. Official reasons for her arrest remain unknown. A “confession video” featuring Nasta appeared in the Telegram channel “Center’s Summaries” (“Сводки Центра” in Russian) – most likely, another channel of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption of the Belarusian Ministry of Internal Affairs (GUBOPiK). Other channels of the agency were blocked by Telegram 6 times, precisely for publishing such “confession videos,” recorded under pressure. In the post, featuring the video, Nasta was called a “famous fraudster” and accused of “aiding extremism.” On the same day a search was conducted in Nasta’s apartment. Her electronic devices were confiscated.


On 31.10.22 Pershamaiski district court of Minsk found Nasta guilty of “petty hooliganism” under Article 19.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Republic of Belarus and sentenced her to 15 days in jail. It is the 3rd time the human rights defender was found guilty under this article since September 2022 (see Human Constanta’s statements regarding the first and second arrest), after Nasta attended a hearing in “Revolutionary Action” group case. In total, Nasta has already spent 30 days in jail prior to her most recent sentence. Before the present series of arrests, Nasta was a suspect in a criminal case connected to “Viasna” human rights center activities.


On 14.11.22 Nasta Loika was sentenced to another 15 days in prison. She was tortured. When interrogated by a security forces employee from GUBOPiK, she was hit with an electric shocker. In a detention centre, she was taken to a courtyard & left there for 8 hours without clothes. She got ill.


On 29.11.22 the human rights defender was sentenced to 15 days of administrative imprisonment for the 3rd time in a row, and for the 5th time within this fall.


Charges indicted:
Art. 130 of the Criminal Code — Incitement to hatred


Наста Лойка уже подвергалась преследованию за свою правозащитную деятельность – с августа 2021 года она является подозреваемой в уголовном деле, связанном с деятельностью правозащитной организации “Вясна”. Наста продолжала работать с вопросами репрессивного “анти-экстремисткого” законодательства, защиты прав иностранных граждан и людей без гражданства в Беларуси, неформального образования в сфере прав человека.


28.10.22 Насту Лойкa арестовали в очередной раз. В этот же день на провластных телеграм-каналах появилось "покаяльное видео", в котором она "признавалась" в том, что якобы "получала финансирование от иностранных организаций".


29.10.22 ей присудили арест в 15 суток по ст. 19.1 КоАП (Мелкое хулиганство). После окончания ареста Анастасия на свободу не вышла, и ее вновь осудили за "мелкое хулиганство" на 15 суток. В заключении Настя подверглась пыткам...


29.11.22 правозащитница 3-ий раз подряд и 5-ый раз за осень 2022 была осуждена на 15 суток.


Предъявлены обвинения:
ст. 130 Уголовного кодекса — Разжигание вражды или розни


N. Loika infos & in media:

08.05.24: Навіны палітвязьняў: Насту Лойку пазбавілі грашовых пераводаў (svaboda.org)

08.05.24: Палітзняволеная Наста Лойка не задаволеная станам свайго здароўя, але «скардзіцца яна не мае звычкі» https://t.me/viasna96/25811

05.10.23: Front Line Defenders асудзіў рашэнне пакінуць прысуд Насце Лойцы ў сіле і запатрабаваў вызвалення праваабаронцы (spring96.org)

04.10.23: Supreme Court of Belarus upholds Woman Human Rights Defender Nasta Loika’s 7 year prison sentence | Front Line Defenders

20.06.23: Праваабаронцы Насце Лойцы прызначылі 7 гадоў калоніі (spring96.org)


20.12.22: Пропагандисты обвинили известную правозащитницу Насту Лойко в «шпионаже». Претензии — защищала не тех (zerkalo.io)

02.12.22: Three people in prolonged administrative detention recognized as political prisoners (spring96.org)

02.12.22: Заявление о признании Владислава Богомольникова, Ольги Анищук и Анастасии Лойко политзаключенными (spring96.org)

27.11.22: Праваабаронца Наста Лойка не выйшла на волю пасля чарговых 15 сутак арышту — яна знаходзіцца на перазатрыманні ў Першамайскім РУУС

14.11.22: Праваабаронцу Насту Лойку зноў арыштавалі на 15 сутак. Супраць яе ўжывалі катаванні, Вясна

13.11.22: Human rights defender Nasta Loika was not released after 15 days of arrest - Daily News (txtreport.com)

13.11.22: Праваабаронца Наста Лойка не выйшла на волю пасля 15 сутак арышту, Вясна

03.11.22: Belarus: Rights defender Nasta Loika unjustly detained again (fidh.org)

28.10.22: Nasta Lojka detained for the 3rd time in 2 months - Human Constanta

28.10.22: Наста Лойка задержана третий раз за два месяца - Human Constanta

28.10.22: Праваабаронца Наста Лойка зноў арыштаваная на 15 сутак, Вясна

22.09.22: Human Rights Defender Nasta Loika Not Released After 15 Days Of Arrest - Charter'97

06.09.22: Наста Лойка задержана после заседания по делу "Революционного действия" — заявление - Human Constanta

20.08.21: Belarus: Ongoing judicial harassment against Nasta Loika | OMCT

04.08.21: Nasta Loika: “Working on the future of Belarus helps me face… | OMCT

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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