born|д.р.: 23.07.91 detained|задержана: 02.08.21
released | освобождена: in October 2022 / fully served her sentence
sentenced by Lukashenka regime to 1,5 years colony
choral conductor and backing vocalist of some projects of the folk band Irdorath, wife of Piotr Marchanka — Political prisoners in Belarus
#FreeMarchanka ! #FreeIrdorath
#Марчанка #Marchanka #Марченко
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Filiz Polat (German Bundestag, Bündnis90/Die Grünen) for Piotr and Yuliya Marchanka: “I am deeply impressed by the courageous Belarusians who are fighting for democracy, freedom and human rights in their country. They have my full solidarity and recognition. We democrats must stand together, look and support each other. That is why, as a member of the German Bundestag, I am taking over the godparenthood for the couple Piotr and Yuliya Marchanka. As guitarist of the well-known Belarusian folk band Irdorath, Piotr performed during the protests against the rigged presidential elections. Freedom of expression and artistic freedom are cornerstones of democracy and the rule of law, not a crime. I call for the immediate and unconditional release of Piotr and Yuliya Marchanka and all other political prisoners in Belarus.”
Y. Marchanka infos & in media:
23.07.22: З Днем Нараджэння, Юлія! Happy Birthday, Yuliya! #birthdays #politicalprisoners in #july #greatingcards sent by #BWF - YouTube

02.07.22: Мастачка Вольга Якубоўская намалявала палітзняволеных музыкаў з гурта Irdorath

29.08.21: «Цэлы баявік знялі!» Паэтка Юлія Цімафеева – пра зняволенага брата, музыку «Irdorath», Belsat
13.08.21: "Праз 10 сутак за кратамі на волю не выйшлі музыкі з гурта Irdorath і іх сябры", Euroradio
10.08.21: "10 more protesters recognized as political prisoners", Vjasna
05.08.21: "Преследование группы IRDORATH и их друзей: 12 человек арестованы па уголовным и административным делам, четыре — оштрафованы", Vjasna
Yuliya Marchanka (Yunitskaya) is a choral conductor and backing vocalist of some projects of the folk band Irdorath, wife of Piotr Marchanka — Political prisoners in Belarus. She was detained on 02.08.21 at a summer house near Minsk during the birthday party of IRDORATH vocalist Nadzeya Kalach. Some people were convicted over the next two days in administrative cases of police disobedience, while others, including Yuliya and her husband Piotr Marchanka, Nadzeya Kalach, Uladzimir Kalach and Anton Shnip were detained on criminal charges under Art. 342 CC "organization or active participation in group actions that grossly violate public order".
On 28.12.21 Yuliya Marchanka and her husband Piotr Marchanka were sentenced to 1,5 years colony.
Юлия Марченко (Юницкая) — хоровая дирижерка и бэк-вокалистка некоторых проектов группы Irdorath, жена Петра Марченко.
Была задержана вечером 02.08.22 на даче под Минском во время празднования Дня рождения вокалистки группы Irdorath Надежды Калач вместе с музыкантами и другими участниками праздника. Часть людей в течение следующих двух дней осудили по административным делам о неповиновении милиции, против Юлии и ее мужа Петра Марченко, а также Надежды Калач и Владимира Калача и Антона Шнипа было возбуждено уголовное дело по ст. 342 УК "организация либо активное участие в групповых действиях, грубо нарушающих общественный порядок".
28.12.21 был вынесен приговор Юлии Марченко и ее мужу Петру Марченко: 1,5 года лишения свободы в колонии общего режима каждому.

Yuliya Marchanka (Yunitskaya) — Political prisoners in Belarus (
Piotr Marchanka — Political prisoners in Belarus (
KALACH Nadzeya | КАЛАЧ Надежда (
Uladzimir Kalach — Political prisoners in Belarus (
Anton Shnip — Political prisoners in Belarus (
Irdorath – Wikipedia Irdorath — Вікіпедыя Irdorath — Википедия
Irdorath Fantasy-Folk Band | Facebook
#FreeIrdorath - News | Facebook
Irdorath Fantasy-Folk Band | BandLink
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