+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1328 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 14.03.25

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born | д.р.:  26.03.74    detained | задержана: 15.06.23 - 16.09.24

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 4 years in a penal colony

released | освобождена: 16.09.24 - pardoned

women released | женщины освобождены (belaruswomen.org)

#FreeSikorskaya​ !
#Сікорская #Sikorskaya #Сикорская

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Samira Marti (Member of the Swiss National Council (Sozialdemokratische Partei der Schweiz) , Co-President of the Social Democratic Group of the Federal Assembly): “Anzhela is losing 4 years of her life because she allegedly insulted and threatened Belarusian state officials. The only danger she posed was using her right to freedom of expression. Such conditions are unthinkable in Switzerland but are, unfortunately, part of everyday life in Belarus under the Lukashenko regime. Peaceful protest is met with brutal violence. Freedom of expression leads to the loss of one’s freedom. As the godparent of Anzhela Sikorskaya, I am campaigning for her and all political prisoners in Belarus to be released and rehabilitated immediately. I stand in solidarity with Anzhela and all these courageous people who oppose the authoritarian, inhumane system and stand up for freedom and democracy! #WeStandBYyou”

On 06.09.23, Anzhela Sikorskaya was  sentenced by the "judge" Siarhei Katser to 4 years of imprisonment in a general-security penal colony.

Charges indicted:

Art. 369 of the Criminal Code — Insulting a government official
Art. 368 of the Criminal Code — Insulting the President of the Republic of Belarus
Art. 366 of the Criminal Code — Violence or threat against an official performing official duties or another person performing a public duty
Art. 391 of the Criminal Code — Insulting a judge

On 15.12.23 Anzhela Sikorskaya was added to the "list of extremists" 

6 сентября 2023 г. "судья" Сергей Кацер присудил Анжеле Сикорской 4 года колонии общего режима. 

Предъявлены обвинения:

ст. 369 Уголовного кодекса — Оскорбление представителя власти
ст. 368 Уголовного кодекса — Оскорбление президента Республики Беларусь
ст. 366 Уголовного кодекса — Насилие либо угроза в отношении должностного лица, выполняющего служебные обязанности, или иного лица, выполняющего общественный долг
ст. 391 Уголовного кодекса — Оскорбление судьи

15 декабря 2023 г. добавлена МВД в "список экстремистов".

A. Sikorskaya infos & in media:

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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