+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1331 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 10.03.25

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born|д.р.:  12.07.70         detained|задержана: 30.10.21

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 5 years in a penal colony

journalist,  a former Belsat TV representative in Belarus​​

"Extremist List" MIA of Belarus ​​

#FreeSlaunikava !

#Слаўнікава #Slaunikava #Славникова

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco

Thomas Hacker (member of the Bundestag Free Demoratic Party & member of the Committee on European Union Affairs) for Iryna Slaunikava: “It is a battle that is almost impossible to win – and that is precisely why the courageous Belarusians will be victorious in the end. Because freedom and democracy are always stronger than a dictatorship! The Lukashenka regime is still trying to secure its power. Almost 900 political prisoners are currently awaiting their show trials or have already been sentenced. Among them many bloggers, journalists and media workers who simply reported on a system in decline – one of them: Iryna Slaunikava. Her courageous stand for freedom is more than an inspiration, it is a call for our fullest solidarity. We stand with the brave Belarusians like Iryna Slaunikava.”

Iryna Slaunikava, a former Belsat TV representative in Belarus, was detained at Minsk airport on 30.10.21 as she and her husband were returning from vacation.

On 01.11.21 judge Maksim Trusevich of the Pieršamajski District Court of Minsk sentenced both to 15 days of administrative imprisonment for allegedly posting content on Facebook that was earlier labeled as “extremist”.

On 15.11.21 for the second time in a row, the journalist was sentenced to 15 days administrative imprisonment, after judge Maksim Trusevich of the Pieršamajski District Court of Minsk found her guilty on charges of “disorderly conduct”.

On 26.11.21 it became known that Iryna Slaunikava was a suspect in a case under Article 342 СС "organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them".

Ирина Славникова - журналистка, была задержана в минском аэропорту, когда она с мужем возвращалась с отдыха.

Их обоих 01.10.21 судья Первомайского района Максим Трусевич приговорил к 15 суткам ареста якобы за хранение в Facebook материалов, которые были признаны "экстремистскими". 15.11.21  второй раз подряд журналистка получила 15 суток по обвинению в «мелком хулиганстве».

26.11.21 стало известно, что Ирина Славникова стала подозреваемой по статье 342 УК "Организация и подготовка действий, грубо нарушающих общественный порядок, или активное участие в них".

В конце апреля 2022 Следственный комитет сообщил, что Ирину также обвинили в руководстве экстремистским формированием по ч. 1 ст. 361-1 УК.

I. Slaunikava infos & in media:

30.10.23: «Хоча застацца чалавекам, калі выйдзе на волю». Пра што марыць журналістка Ірына Слаўнікава (svaboda.org)

03.08.22:  СУДЗІЛІШЧА над Ірынай Слаўнікавай | Slaunikava's Iryna's SHOW TRIAL, BWF

03.08.22:  ДАВЕДАЧКА: ДОЛЯ М.: ДУБЛЕР карнай індустрыі Лукашенкі | "judge" DOLIA: UNDERSTUDY of the Lukashenka's punitive industry, BWF

03.08.22: Journalist Irina Slavnikova was sentenced to 5 years in prison - Belsat TV

03.08.22: Журналістку Ірыну Слаўнікаву асудзілі да 5 гадоў калоніі (spring96.org)

26.07.22: Больш за месяц працягваецца суд над журналісткай Ірынай Слаўнікавай: наступнае пасяджэнне — 2 жніўня (spring96.org)

19.07.22: «Ірына трымаецца ўпэўнена, ведае, што ёй няма за што апраўдвацца». Бацька Слаўнікавай пра суд над журналісткай - Belsat TV

12.07.22: З Днем Нараджэння, Ірына! Happy Birthday, Iryna! #birthdays #politicalprisoners in #july #greatingcards sent by #BWF - YouTube

#ганьбадоля #позордоля #shamedolia 

#дублер #understudy

#davedachka #даведачка

​ #мывсезаписываем #blacklist #sanctions​

Mikalai DOLIA Nikolai DOLYA Мiĸалай ДОЛЯ Ниĸолай ДОЛЯ

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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