+++173 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1404 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 18.10.24

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SYRYKH Yuliya | СЫРЫХ Юлия

born | д.р.: 26.11.74         detained | задержана: 09.07.21

released | освобождена: on 06.05.22 

pre-trial / on bail under an obligation not to leave the country &

forced emigration | вынужденная эмиграция

Country for Life Foundation volunteer

#FreeSyrykh !

#Сырых #Syrykh

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco

Krzysztof Śmiszek (member of the Polish Parliament Sejm and of the commission of human rights) for Yuliya Syrykh: “As part of the #WeStandBYyou campaign, I decided to take care of the political prisoner Yuliye Syrykh. The Belarusian KGB arrested her for opposition activities under the pretext of “financing extremist groups”. Yuliya is an always smiling, determined woman who wants a democratic change in Belarus. On a daily basis, she used to drive a taxi and raise her son. From today, as an MP, I will try to monitor her case and work for her release. Today, our solidarity with all the victims of the regime is very important.”

Y. Syrykh infos & in media: 

17.05.22: Палітзняволеная Юлія Сырых НА ВОЛІ! BWF/Вясна

22.02.22: Members of Parliament from Germany and Poland adopt political prisoners Aliaksandr Ahraitsovich, Yuliya Syrykh and Safiya Malashevich | Libereco (lphr.org)

26.11.21: "Happy Birthday, Yuliya!", BWF

16.07.21: "We demand the immediate release of the volunteers of the Country for Life Foundation. Charity is not a crime!", Viasna

13.07.21: "Четырех волонтеров фонда «Страна для жизни» обвиняют в финансировании экстремистской деятельности", Naviny by

Yuliya Syrykh is a volunteer of the Country for Life Foundation.

She was detained on 09.07.21 during "a large-scale KGB clearance operation against radicals"

On 06.05.22 Yuliya was released from the pre-trial detention centre. She was changed her preventive measure and the charges were not dropped. RELEASED on bail under an obligation not to leave the country & forced emigration  (belaruswomen.org)

Юлия Сырых — волонтерка фонда "Страна для жизни".

Была задержана 09.07.21 во время "широкомасштабной операции КГБ по зачистке от радикально настроенных лиц". Юлии предъявили обвинения по ст. 361-2 Уголовного кодекса (финансирование деятельности экстремистского формирования). 06.05.22 Юлии изменили меру пресечения и отпустили до суда по подписке о невыезде & вынужденная эмиграция (belaruswomen.org)

Yuliya Syrykh ist ehrenamtliche Unterstützerin der Stiftung "Strana dlja žizni" (Ein Land zum Leben). Sie wurde am 09.07.21 im Zuge einer vom KGB durchgeführten "Säuberungsaktion gegen Radikale" festgenommen. Syrych wurde wegen Finanzierung einer extremistischen Organisation angeklagt und kam in Untersuchungshaft. 

Am 06.05.22 wurde Yuliya aus der Untersuchungshaftanstalt entlassen, die Anklage wurde nicht fallengelassen: "freigelassen auf Kaution unter der Verpflichtung, das Land nicht zu verlassen" & forced emigration (belaruswomen.org)


 Yuliya Syrykh — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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