+++174 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1405 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 13.10.24

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LASITSA Tatsiana | ЛАСИЦА Татьяна

born | д.р.: 24.11.78        detained | задержана: 21.01.21

released | освобождена: on 24.09.22 after 1 year & 8 month in colony/pardoned 

sentenced to 2,5 YRS colony

human rights activist, volunteer of the HR Center "Viasna"

Source: Tatsiana Lasitsa — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

#FreeLasitsa !

#Ласіца #Lasitsa #Ласица

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco

Kevin Kühnert, MdB | SPD-Generalsekretär (kevin-kuehnert.berlin) (German Bundestag, Social Democratic Party) took over the godparenthood of Lasitsa from former MP Gisela Manderla and states: “The activist Tatsiana Lasitsa has been unjustly imprisoned in a penal colony since 21.01.21 for observing demonstrations and documenting human rights violations for the Viasna Human Rights Centre. Because of her advocacy for human rights, she was convicted under §342 of the Belarusian Criminal Code for allegedly disturbing public order. This accusation is grotesque, because only in a dictatorship do basic democratic rights disrupt so-called order. The conviction is a farce and once again exposes the oppressive character of the Belarusian regime. Tatsiana Lasitsa and all political prisoners in Belarus must be released immediately. The regime’s unlawful and violent actions against citizens who stand for nothing more than the bare minimum of democratic coexistence must be stopped. The democratic civil society in Belarus should know: No prisoner is forgotten. The responsible perpetrators should be aware that we are closely monitoring the repression in Belarus at all times and that human rights will prevail one day.”

Videos, BWF:​

Video "I'm a political prisoner T. Lasitsa" ENG

Portraits T. Lasistsa, BWF:

Видео "Я-политзаключенная Т. Ласица" RU

Drawing by Tatsiana Lasitsa from prison:

03.11.21: "Вынесены прысуд "вясноўцам" Леаніду Судаленку і Таццяне Ласіцы: тры і два з паловай гады калоніі", Viasna

16.09.21: «Калі за кратамі такія, як Таня, свет перакуліўся» – сябры пра валанцёрку «Вясны» Таццяну Ласіцу", Vjasna

03.09.21: "Суд над Леонидом Судаленко, Татьяной Ласицей и Марией Тарасенко проходит в закрытом режиме", Vjasna

23.08.21: "Суд над гомельскими правозащитником и волонтерками начнется 3 сентября. Что известно о деле и судье?", Vjasna

29.01.21: "Immediately release Viasna activist Tatsiana Lasitsa!", Vjasna

Tatsiana Lasitsa is a human rights activist from Rečyca, a volunteer of the Homieĺ branch of the Human Rights Center "Viasna".

Tatsiana Lasitsa was detained on 21.01.21 at the Minsk airport by officers of the Interior Ministry.

On 03.11.21, the Centraĺny District Court of Homieĺ found Tatsiana Lasitsa guilty of “organizing and preparing actions that grossly violated public order” (Part 1, Article 342 of the Criminal Code), and “training and preparing persons to participate in such actions, as well as their financing or other material support” (Part 2, Article 342 of the Criminal Code).

On 03.11.2021 Tatsiana was sentenced by Lukashenka regime to 2,5 years colony. Released on 24.09.22 after 1 year & 8 month in colony

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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