born | д.р.: 06.04.79 detained | задержана: 12.11.20
sentenced by Lukashenka regime to 2,5 years colony
BSUIR professor, sentenced to 2,5 years in prison; «Student Case»
released | освобождена: 30.11.22 - fully serverd her sentence
#FreeFilatchankava !
#Філатчанкава #Filatchankava #Филатченкова
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Céline Widmer (member of the Swiss National Council) for Volha Filatchankava: “Women play a key role in the protests in Belarus: They lead the opposition and thousands of people demonstrate on the streets against the illegitimate President Alexander Lukashenka. Volha Filatchankava, a professor at the Belarusian University of Electricity and Radioelectronics, has also taken part in the peaceful protests. She was arrested after she participated in a video call by the university against violence and took part in a strike. As a National Councillor of the Social Democratic Party Switzerland, I take over the godparenthood for Ms Volha Filatchankava and demand her immediate release. Our deep solidarity goes to her and to all women and men who are fighting for human rights, democracy and freedom in Belarus. For the release of all political prisoners and constitutional reforms in Belarus!”
Videos, BWF:
Video "I'm political prisoner V. Filatchankava" ENG
Portrait, BWF:
Видео "Я-политзаключенная О. Филатченкова" RU
Video "Ich bin eine politische Gefangene V. Filatchankava" DE
FILATCHANKAVA Volha, born 06.04.79, a female political prisoner in Belarus. Volha worked as a professor at the Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics. She was detained on 12.11.20 and was sentenced to 2,5 (!!!) years in prison for taking part in a video appeal against violence and taking part in a strike.
ФИЛАТЧЕНКОВА Ольга, д.р. 06.04.79. Ольга- преподавательница в БГУИР. Была задержана 12.11.20 г. и приговорена к 2,5 (!!!) годам колонии за участие в видеообращении преподавателей против насилия, а также за участие в забастовке.
V. Filatchankava infos & in media:
07.04.24: Былая палітзняволеная экс-выкладчыца БДУІР Вольга Філатчанкава, асуджаная па «справе студэнтаў» да 2,5 гадоў калоніі, эвакуяваная з Беларусі
12.05.22: V. Filatchankava in project "Unbreakable" | "Несломленные", BWF
06.04.22: Happy Birthday, Volha! BWF
04.01.22: «Мама и папа в тюрьме, мы хотим, чтобы их отпустили», Charter97
16.07.21: "Вынесен приговор по «делу студентов» : 11 фигурантам - по два с половиной года колонии, одному - два года", Vjasna
16.07.21: "11 students and university teacher convicted for organizing student protests", Vjasna
03.07.21: «Я за мирную и процветающую Беларусь». В суде по «делу студентов» допросили часть обвиняемых", Vjasna
24.05.21: "Belarus: University students expelled from universities and imprisoned for peaceful protest", Amnesty International
24.05.21: "Belarus: Students expelled, charged and jailed for opposing Lukashenka - New Report", Amnesty International
17.05.21: "На суде по «делу студентов» выступают свидетели - представители администрации БГУ", Vjasna
15.05.21: "«Дело студентов». В обвинении смешались санкции ЕС и США, Тихановская, нарушение работы вузов и транспорта", Vjasna
14.05.21: "Суд по "делу студентов": в зал пустили только родных, некоторых из группы поддержки - задержали", Vjasna
17.12.20: "Human rights defenders call to release arrested student activists", Vjasna
02.12.20: "Дело студентов — статья 342. Часть вторая", Vjasna
24.11.20: "132 people recognized as political prisoners in Belarus", Belsat