+++164 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1340 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 23.02.25

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Veronica Tsepkalo at the 19th State of Europe annual festival of politics and ideas

On 27.10.22 in Brussels Veronica Tsepkalo, founder and chair of the Belarus Women's Foundation,  took part at  the high-level roundtable event Making sense of transitions in an age of crises: a Renewed Social Contract for a new era - Friends of Europe organized by «Friends of Europe».  Veronica shared her touching story of political opposition and the repression faced in Belarus and called to support Elections 2022 - NATIONAL COUNCIL OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS (e-belarus.com).

"It's not too late for Belarus to take a democratic path. ...Using online technologies we can do elections we believe this is the only way to change the situation in Belarus. Please support us!"

Powerfull speach by Veronica Tsepkalo:

  Аll dictators are afraid of elections!

Belarus Women's Foundation is proud our chair VeronicaTsepkalo is participating in this valuable discussion #StateofEU abt. the future being of the common Europe  link Twitter

"Honoured to have Veronica Tsepkalo, Belarus opposition leader, Founder and Chair

@belarus_women, at our #StateofEU festival today. She joins us to share her touching story of political opposition and the repression faced in her country. #StateofEU", link Twitter

"It's not too late for #Belarus to take a democratic path, stresses Veronica Tsepkalo

@VTsepkalo at our #StateofEU discussion today"

"Using online technologies we can do elections we believe this is the only way to change the situation in Belarus. Please support us" link Twitter

#StateofEU #FriendsOfEurope

#Belarus #Беларусь #выборы #Elections

#StandWithBelarus #FreeBelarus

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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