+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1351 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 14.02.25

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Exhibition "Scream" photographic evidence of the criminal acts of dictator Lukashenka

On 9th August, 2020, elections were held in Belarus. After the results were rigged by Lukashenka and his accomplices, the country was swept by a wave of protests.  Belarusians took to the streets to express their opposition only to be met with violence from the Lukashenka dictatorship. 

Since then, thousands of Belarusians have been subjected to crimes against humanity by the Lukashenka regime including torture, rape, beatings, and inhuman and degrading treatment. People continue to be arbitrarily arrested, sentenced for spurious "crimes", tortured and beaten. Repression continues to this day...

Our online exhibition "Scream" gives a chronological account of these events and the bloody crimes perpetrated by the Lukashenka dictatorship against his people.

The Belarus Women's Foundation thanks everyone who took part in the preparation of the "Scream" exposition. 

We thank the photographers who submitted their works for the exhibition:  Lesia PcholkaAlexander Zenkovich, and other photographers who, for obvious reasons, do not give their names. 

Special thanks to the people who sent photographs and video evidence of the consequences of severe beatings and torture during detentions on peaceful marchers.

Curator: Natalia Schindler email: art@belaruswomen.org
Text for photo and exhibition: Christina
Text in English: Alena
Graphic design: Marta, Veronica
Voice acting: Emma

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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