+++174 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1405 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 13.10.24

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Speech by Yana Shostak at the awards ceremony of the "PaszportyPolityki" contest (with Russian subtitles)

The Belarusian Women's Fund congratulates Belarusian artist Yana Shostak on her victory in the "PaszportyPolityki" contest in the "Visual Art" nomination. We thank Yana for her support and solidarity. You are making a great contribution to the struggle for the freedom of our country.

Yana came to the award in a dress made from portraits of 1,200 political prisoners, innocent hostages of the regime in Belarus.

In her speech, Yana thanked the Belarusians for their courage and steadfastness and read out a letter to relatives of political prisoners.

The artist ended her performance with a minute of shouting for Belarus. This action was supported by the entire hall.

Speech by Yana Szostak at the "Paszporty Polityki" awards ceremony (winning in the category "Visual Art").

"Good evening. My dress is made from portraits of 1200 political prisoners, innocent hostages of the regime in Belarus.

I would like to use this opportunity to speak to express my gratitude and read a letter to the families of political prisoners:

"Dear ones, thank you for raising such brave and unshakable people. I cry at the very thought of how much nerves and health this sacrifice costs you, how much you suffer from the news of the inhuman conditions of detention and persecution of your loved ones.

 Baby was torn from mother's breast for years because she posted a comment online. I can't imagine what it's like to have your parent, brother, child, or spouse tortured. And there's nothing you can do about it.

And by some miracle you find the strength to support each other and support others. At the same time, keep silent about your needs, like partisans. Like a granny saving her grandchildren from an orphanage, who fled from Minsk to a foreign Warsaw.

I think of your sleepless nights, your endless fruitless trips to penal colonies. About gutted parcels and censored letters, eavesdropping conversations and meetings canceled without explanation.

It's unbelievable that you can't even find out about the health status of the nearest person.

The vile and cruel designation of political prisoners in yellow, which in that reality reduces them to the category of subhumans.

I so want to help. So I scream as much as I can while I can.

Together with the partisans, we motivate people of good will to support the refugees. We are developing a system for the rehabilitation and assimilation of your relatives after serving time. We collect funds, print calendars.

The day will come when we will make up for lost birthdays and holidays. We'll restore family photos taken during searches.

As one of our heroes-political prisoners wrote:
"The Light wins, we are innocent!"

Hold on, we are with you.

Live Belarus!

Dear new compatriots and compatriots, refugees and refugees,
I hope that my voice will wake up your hearts and make you create support actions at different levels.

#FashionForFreedom #fashionforfreedom #FashionForHumanRights #StandWithWomenOfBelarus #freebelaruswomen #womenpoliticalprisoners

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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