+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1332 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 08.03.25

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Education Project "Human rights – your rights"

Lukashenka’s regime has created a civil society vacuum in Belarus. Hundreds of non-profit initiatives and organizations were eliminated, many activists were forced to leave Belarus. Yet every day we get new information about detentions and unimaginable prison terms, harassment and dismissals.

Staying ahead of the problem is no longer an option in Belarusian reality. Thus, a preliminary contract with a lawyer in the eyes of the authorities is rather an argument for your guilt than a right to defence. Even before the events of 2020 human rights organizations in Belarus had had enough work: the existing laws were often ignored by the authorities. The law still means nothing to the regime.

But we cannot ignore the situations when our rights are violated. If you feel injustice, feel the impunity of criminals, if you want to know your rights and be able to help yourself or your loved ones when facing a crime or violation, visit our YouTube channel.

We have prepared for you a series of animated videos on various legal and psychological issues to help you build an algorithm of action in a particular situation. There are not only notorious topics of detentions and searches, but also those of domestic violence, children in socially dangerous situations, the protection of labour rights and many more. If you need support, you can always contact our legal department and get help.

We hope that our work, assistance and solidarity will help to restore your confidence and power to resist the omnipotent cynical regime and  preserve your human dignity by protecting your rights against the authorities.

You can obtain legal advice by writing to us at e-mail: legal@belaruswomen.org

Free legal assistance:  Project Femida (belaruswomen.org)

Psychological assistance: Psychological Helpline (belaruswomen.org)

#humanrights #yourrights

#правычалавека #тваеправы #правачеловека #твоиправа

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Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

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