+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1332 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 09.03.25

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BWF sent an Open Letter to Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany and other German government officials urging them to support the case against Lukashenka

On May 20th, 2021, the Belarus Women's Foundation  sent an open letter to:

  Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany
  Mrs. Christine Lambrecht, Federal Minister of Justice
  Dr. Peter Frank, Public Prosecutor General

in support of the German lawyers who have instigated criminal proceedings against Alexander Lukashenka. The letter also advised the recipients of the submission of documents by the Belarus Women's Foundation to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. This will hopefully pave the way for Alexander Lukashenko also to face charges of Crimes Against Humanity specifically against Belarusian women.


#RoadToTheHague #ICC #CrimesAgainstHumanity

Project "Road to The Hague" (belaruswomen.org)

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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