Our task is to make Lukashenka not only an outcast in the eyes of the world community, but also to prosecute him as a citizen who has committed numerous crimes.


In October 2020 the Belarus Women's Foundation began to collect and document the stories of women who suffered from the Lukashenka regime, women who were subjected to repressions in Belarus, namely: torture, beatings, humiliation (our Project "My step to Freedom").


In May 2021 Belarus Women's Foundation submitted a „Request for Investigation“ to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, alleging that Lukashenka was complicit in crimes against humanity. In this request BWF provided to the ICC the relevant evidence of the crimes (video testimonies of victims and witnesses).


#LukashenkaTribunal !

#RoadToTheHague #ICC #CrimesAgainstHumanity


30.09.24: The BWF Project "Road to The Hague" Takes a New Turn Following Lithuania's Request to the ICC in The Hague (

30.09.24: Statement of ICC Prosecutor Karim A.A. Khan KC on receipt of a referral by the Republic of Lithuania | International Criminal Court (

30.09.24: Lithuania refers the Situation in Belarus to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court to investigate the crimes against humanity committed by the authoritarian regime of Lukashenko - The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania (

04.04.24: UN Rights Body Launches Probe to Investigate Abuses in Belarus | Human Rights Watch (

04.04.24: Резолюция Совета ООН по правам человека о создании нового органа для привлечения к ответственности за преступления, совершенные властями Беларуси (

18.07.23: Беларусь: депутаты Европарламента встревожены тем, что Россия душит идентичность своего соседа | Новости | Европейский парламент ( "В отчете содержится призыв к институтам ЕС и государствам-членам предпринять все необходимые шаги на международном уровне, чтобы обеспечить уголовное преследование тех белорусских политических и военных лидеров, которые несут ответственность за преступления против человечности и геноцид. Поскольку Международный уголовный суд (МУС) уже выдал ордера на арест президента России Владимира Путина и уполномоченного по правам ребенка в России Марии Львовой-Беловой, депутаты Европарламента призывают МУС рассмотреть аналогичный ордер на арест А. Лукашенко"

18.07.23: Belarus: MEPs alarmed that Russia is suffocating its neighbour’s identity | News | European Parliament ( "The report calls on the EU institutions and member states to take all necessary steps at international level to enable the criminal prosecution of those Belarusian political and military leaders responsible for crimes against humanity and genocide. With the International Criminal Court (ICC) already having issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Children’s Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova, MEPs call on the ICC to consider a similar arrest warrant for A. Lukashenka"

18.07.23: Gericht in Den Haag soll Haftbefehl gegen Lukaschenko erlassen (

17.03.23: ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and Maria Alekseyevna Lvova-Belova | International Criminal Court (

17.03.23: Statement by Prosecutor Karim A. A. Khan KC on the issuance of arrest warrants against President Vladimir Putin and Ms Maria Lvova-Belova | International Criminal Court (

17.03.23: Международный суд в Гааге выдал ордер на арест Владимира Путина - BBC News Русская служба

03.02.23: Report of the UN High Commissioner for HR*. HR-Situation in Belarus: "...there are sufficient grounds to believe that systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations have been and are being committed in Belarus"

03.02.23: Доклад Верховного комиссара ООН по правам человека*. Положение в области прав человека в Беларуси: "...есть достаточные основания полагать, что в Беларуси совершались и совершаются систематические, массовые и грубые нарушения прав человека"

26.01.23: PACE Resolution 2482 (2023)  "Establishment of a special tribunal on the crime of aggression against Ukraine" "Its jurisdiction would include the role and complicity of the leaders of Belarus in the war of aggression against Ukraine." | Парламентская ассамблея Совета Европы единогласно проголосовала за cоздание международного трибунал над Путиным и Лукашенко: "Его юрисдикция будет включать роль и соучастие лидеров Беларуси в агрессивной войне против Украины."

19.01.23: Ukraine war: MEPs push for special tribunal to punish Russian crimes | News | European Parliament ( Political and military leadership in Russia and Belarus must be held accountable | Европарламент проголосовал за создание международного трибунала для Путина и Лукашенко: "политическое и военное руководство России и Беларуси должно быть привлечено к ответственности"

19.01.23: Трибунал для команды Путина. Как вершится правосудие в Гааге, и кому не удалось его избежать – Telegraph

12. 2022: Tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine - a legal assessment (

24.11.22: European Parliament Resolution: Lukashenka Should Be Held Accountable Before International Tribunal | Резолюция Европарламента: «Лукашенко должен предстать перед трибуналом»

08.05.22: G7 Leaders’ Statement | The White House9. "...We welcome and support the ongoing work to investigate and gather evidence on this, including by the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court,..." | 9. ...«Мы приложим все усилия, чтобы привлечь к ответственности президента Путина, организаторов и соучастников этой агрессии, включая режим Лукашенко в Беларуси"...

19.03.22: ООН подтвердила факты сексуального насилия против задержанных во время протестов 2020 года - YouTube | United Nations confirmed sexual violence against detainees during 2020 protests

05.03.22: PETITION #LukashenkaTribunal ! Hold Lukashenka to account for crimes against humanity (ПЕТИЦИЯ #LukashenkaTribunal ! Судить Лукашенко за преступления против человечности (

10.01.22: BWF's requests to the ICC for the immediate starting of criminal proceeding against Lukashenka" | Пресс-релиз: "Запросы БЖФ в МУС в Гааге о незамедлительном открытии уголовного дела против Лукашенко"

June-August 2021: BWF meetings with ambassadors of more than 20 countries | БЖФ провел переговоры с посольствами более 20 стран

04.06.21: BWF submitted information on Lukashenka’s crimes to the member states of the United Nations Security CouncilБЖФ предоставил членам Совета Безопасности ООН информацию о преступлениях Лукашенко

21.05.21: BWF sent an Open Letter to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other UK government officials urging them to support the case against Lukashenka 

19.05.21: BWF sent an Open Letter to Dr. Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany and other German government officials urging them to support the case against Lukashenka

19.05.21: BWF submitted a „Request for Investigation“ to the International Criminal Court (ICC) at The Hague, alleging that Lukashenko were complicit in crimes against humanityБеларуский Женский Фонд отправил «Запрос на расследование» в Международный уголовный суд (МУС) в Гааге, в котором БЖФ обвиняет Лукашенко в его причастности к преступлениям против человечности 

Beg. of 2021: BWF provided video testimonies of victims and witnesses of Lukashenka's crimes for further submission to the Germany's Federal Public Prosecutor's Office | БЖФ предоставил видеопоказания жертв и свидетелей преступлений режима Лукашенко для подачи иска Генеральному прокурору Германии

The BWF Project

The BWF Project "Road to The Hague" Takes a New Turn Following Lithuania's Request to the ICC in The Hague

Project "Road To The Hague" ( #LukashenkaTribunal #RoadToTheHague #ICC #...
Arrest warrant against Putin. Lukashenka should be the next a.s.a.p.!

Arrest warrant against Putin. Lukashenka should be the next a.s.a.p.!

Project "Road to The Hague" ( BWF Appeal #LukashenkaTribunal #RoadToTheH...
PETITION #LukashenkaTribunal !  Hold Lukashenka to account for crimes against humanity

PETITION #LukashenkaTribunal ! Hold Lukashenka to account for crimes against humanity

Project "Road To The Hague" ( #LukashenkaTribunal #RoadToTheHague #ICC #...
BWF Press release:

BWF Press release: "Immediate starting of criminal proceeding against Lukashenka"

Project "Road To The Hague" ( #LukashenkaTribunal #RoadToTheHague #ICC #...
BWF sent the 3rd letter to the ICC at The Hague with a request for a status update regarding file „Lukashenka“

BWF sent the 3rd letter to the ICC at The Hague with a request for a status update regarding file „Lukashenka“

Project "Road To The Hague" ( #LukashenkaTribunal #RoadToTheHague #ICC #...
BWF at Conference

BWF at Conference "Crimes against humanity and the recognition of Lukashenka as a terrorist"

Project "Road to The Hague" ( #LukashenkaTribunal #RoadToTheHague #ICC #...
June-August 2021: Meetings with ambassadors of more than 20 countries

June-August 2021: Meetings with ambassadors of more than 20 countries

Project "Road to The Hague" ( #LukashenkaTribunal #RoadToTheHague #ICC #...

on receipt of a referral 

by the Republic of Lithuania

30.09.24 Lithuania refers the Situation in Belarus to the Prosecutor of the ICC to investigate the crimes against humanity committed by the authoritarian regime of Lukashenko

04.04.24 UN Rights Body Launches Probe to Investigate Abuses in Belarus

MEPs call on the ICC to consider a arrest warrant for Lukashenka

ICC judges issue arrest warrants against Putin

"... There are sufficient grounds to believe that systematic, widespread and gross human rights violations have been and are being committed in Belarus"

"Its jurisdiction would include the role and complicity of the leaders of Belarus in the war of aggression against Ukraine."

"MEPs push for special tribunal to punish Russian crimes. Political and military leadership in Russia and Belarus must be held accountable"

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

Thank you very much for your support!


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