+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1332 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 09.03.25

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Interview: Veronica Tsepkalo & Lina Zedriga Waru Abuku

Lina Zedriga Waru Abuku is a social justice and women's rights activist, Deputy President of the National Unity Platform, Uganda's main opposition party. Lina Zedriga was born and raised in Uganda. She graduated in Law from Makerere University in Kampala with two Master's Degrees in Human Rights and in Peace and Conflict, a PhD in Transitional Justice, and a post-graduate diploma at Harvard University.

Her husband went missing for political reasons. Lina and her husband have 8 children.

In her interview, Lina Zedriga talks not only about the fight for women's rights, persecution and the political situation in Uganda, but also about the importance of education for girls, the ways of joining professional activity with family life, and a woman's self-care.

Moreover, Lina gives a particular recipe for the fight against dictatorship.


#womanpower #womensolidarity #womenforwomen 

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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