+++166 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1347 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 04.02.25

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born|д.р.: 07.08.87        detained|задержана: 18.05.21

released|освобождена: 25.04.22

director of Rocket Data and TAM.BY.

Source: Darya Danilava — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

#FreeDanilava !

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Jasper van Dijk  (Member of the Dutch Parliament, Socialist Party) for Darya Danilava: “I strongly condemn the arrest of Darya Danilava. I demand the immediate release of her and all other political prisoners in Belarus. The increasing numbers of political prisoners in Belarus is violating the most basic democratic and human rights. Belarus must immediately stop infringing on their citizens’ fundamental rights to freedom of opinion and freedom of press. Set her Free!”

#20 in project "Unbreakable" | "Несломленные" 

#unbreakable #behindbars  #несломленные #зарешеткой

D. Danilava infos & in media:

12.05.22: Былая палітзняволеная фігурантка «справы TUT.ВY» Дар'я Данілава з'ехала з Беларусі, Darya Danilova via Facebook

18.09.21: "The defendants in the Tut.by case were extended their detention for another 2 months", Daily News

15.07.21: "The term of detention of the accused in the "Tut.by case" was extended for another two months", Daily News

25.05.21: "TUT.BY employees are political prisoners", Vjasna

25.05.21: Belarusian authorities briefly detain 4 Tut.by journalists; at least 13 staff remain in custody

21.05.21: "Что известно о задержанных сотрудниках TUT.BY? Рассказывают коллеги", Беларуская Асацыяція Журналістаў

19.05.21: Shutdown Of Belarus' Largest Independent News Site Part Of 'War Against Genuine Journalists', Critics Say

18.05.21: Belarus - Weißrussland sperrt wichtigste unabhängige Nachrichtenseite - Wiener Zeitung Online

18.05.21: Дело против Tut.by: силовики пришли к журналистам, домен заблокирован. Комментарий КГК (onliner.by)

Darya Danilava is director of Rocket Data and TAM.BY.

She was detained on 18.05.21 in the framework of a criminal case initiated against TUT.BY for tax evasion on an especially large scale (Part 2 of Article 243 of the Criminal Code).

On 25.04.22 Darya was sentenced to 1y. & 4m. in prison. But considering the time in pre-detention — Daryia was released from the courtroom.

Дарья Данилова - менеджер TAM.BY, директор RocketData.

Она была задержана  18.05.21 в рамках уголовного дела, начатого против новостного портала TUT.BY за уклонение от уплаты налогов в особо крупном размере (ч. 2 ст. 243 Уголовного кодекса).

25.04.22 Дарье присудили 1 год и 4 месяца колонии.
Время в СИЗО было зачтено и Дарью отпустили в зале суда 

#ганьбакаляда #позоркаляда #shamekaliada 

 #overachiever #даведачка #davedachka

#мывсезаписываем #blacklist #sanctions

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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