born|д.р.: 20.02.97 detained|задержана: 15.11.20
sentenced by Lukashenka regime to 2 years colony
Belsat TV journalist
released|освобождена: on 03.09.22 / fully served her sentence
#FreeChultsova !
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Tony Lloyd (House of Commons, Labour Party) for Darya Chultsova: “I am proud to support Darya Chultsova in her struggle for justice. Her “crime” is to be a journalist seeking to report the truth to the people of Belarus and beyond which is no crime at all but what we expect journalists to do on our behalf. Her struggle is tied up with those who are fighting for a better Belarus after last year’s fraudulent Presidential election result. Her detention is shocking and I call upon the Belarus authorities to set her free and recognise that it is she who is the true patriot in wanting a better, more truthful Belarus.”
Videos, BWF:
Video "I'm a political prisoner Darya Chultsova" ENG
Portrait, BWF:
Видео "Я-политзаключенная Дарья Чульцова" RU
D. Chultsova infos & in media:
03.09.22: Belarusian journalist released after 2 years in penal colony | TVP World
03.09.22: Дар’я Чульцова на волі!, Новы Час
18.02.22: Сегодня исполнился год со дня приговора журналисткам «Белсата» (
23.04.21: "Prison terms for Belsat TV journalists confirmed in appeal hearing", Viasna
18.02.21: OSCE Media Freedom Representative denounces conviction of two Belarusian journalists | OSCE
18.02.21: Katsyaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova sentenced to two years of imprisonment
Катерина Андреева и Дарья Чульцова — журналистки, подозреваемые по уголовному делу (
08.02.21: "Belarus journalists Katsiaryna Andreyeva and Darya Chultsova to face trial over protest reporting", CPJ Committee to Protect Journalists
15.11.20: Darya Chultsova Belsat TV imprisoned in Belarus
15.11.20: "Гэта стрым з вакна дому на плошчы Пераменаў, які знялі журналісткі "Белсату" Каця Андрэева і Дар'я Чульцова 15 лістапада, падчас абароны народнага мемарыялу памяці Рамана Бандарэнкі. За асвятленне гэтых падзеяў на журналістак завялі крымінальную справу. Ім пагражае да 3 гадоў зняволення. Абедзве яны былі прызнаныя вязнямі сумлення. Гэты рэпартаж – сведчанне адвагі і адданасці працы журналіста.", Belsat
Darya Chultsova is a Belsat TV journalist, who, together with Katsiaryna Andreyeva, was accused of “organizing actions that grossly violate public order” (Article 342 of the Criminal Code) after a live broadcast from the place of the violent police crackdown on a peaceful protest in the Square of Change in Minsk on 15.11.20.
Darya was initially sentenced to short administrative detention, but was not released after serving the sentence.
On 18.02.21, Judhe Natallia Buhuk of the Frunzienski District Court of Minsk sentenced Chultsova to 2 years’ imprisonment in a general-security penitentiary.
The journalist was found guilty of "disrupting the work of public transport" while covering the November 15 protest.
On 23.04.21 the Minsk City Court upheld the sentence.
On 03.09.22 released: fully served her sentence.
Kamerafrau, arbeitet für den Fernsehsender Belsat. Am 15.11.20 filmte sie, gemeinsam mit ihrer Kollegin Katsiaryna Andreyeva, live auf dem „Platz des Wandels“ in Minsk, wo Sicherheitskräfte brutal gegen Hunderte Demonstranten vorgingen. Am selben Abend wurde sie festgenommen und zunächst zu einer 7-tägigen Arreststrafe verurteilt, nach deren Ablauf sie aber nicht freikam. Am 18.2.2021 wurde sie wegen schweren Landfriedensbruchs zu einer Haftstrafe von 2 Jahren verurteilt. Am 03.09.22 freigelassen: "fully served her sentence".
Darya Chultsova — Political prisoners in Belarus (
ANDREYEVA Katsiaryna | АНДРЕЕВА Катерина (
Zwei Jahre Haft für belarussische Fernsehjournalistin (