+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1328 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 12.03.25

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born | д.р.:    24.04.78   detained | задержана:   01.02.22 04.09.24

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 4,5 years in a penal colony

mother of 3 children

released | освобождена: 04.09.24 - pardoned

women released | женщины освобождены (belaruswomen.org)

#FreeHancharevich !
#Ганчарэвіч #Hancharevich #Гончаревич​

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Janina Ochojska (Polish Member of the European Parliament & founder of the Polish Humanitarian Organisation/PAH) for Anastasiya Hancharevich: “To you and your family and friends who share the same unjustified and undeserved imprisonment: You are not alone. With you and by you stands the entire democratic world. Dictatorships fall, freedom and independence wins. I am convinced this will be the case of Belarus.”

#71 in project "Unbreakable" | "Несломленные" 

#unbreakable #behindbars  #несломленные #зарешеткой​​

Anastasiya Hancharevich was arrested on 01.02.22 as she and her husband were on their way to work. Her home was searched.  Mother of 3 children, 2 of them are minors.

Charges indicted:

Art. 342 of the Criminal Code — Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them
Art. 368 of the Criminal Code — Insulting the President of the Republic of Belarus
Art. 361-4 of the Criminal Code — Promoting extremist activities

On 26.10.22 Anastasiya was sentenced to 4,5 years colony.

Анастасия Гончаревич была задержана 01.02.22 сотрудниками ГУБОПиКа, когда она с мужем собиралась ехать на работу. Дома у Анастасии состоялся обыск. Мама 3 детей, 2 из которых несовершеннолетние.

Предъявлены обвинения:

ст. 342 Уголовного кодекса — Организация и подготовка действий, грубо нарушающих общественный порядок, либо активное участие в них
ст. 368 Уголовного кодекса — Оскорбление президента Республики Беларусь
ст. 361-4 Уголовного кодекса — Содействие экстремистской деятельности

26.10.22 Анастасия была приговорена к 4,5 годам колонии.

A. Hancharevich infos & in media: 

27.01.23: Anastasiya Hancharevich in project "Unbreakable" | "Несломленные", BWF​

26.10.22: Палітзняволеную Анастасію Ганчарэвіч асудзілі да 4,5 гадоў пазбаўлення волі ў калоніі агульнага рэжыму, Вясна

29.06.22: List of political prisoners updated with 13 new names (spring96.org)

29.06.22: Заявление правозащитников о признании 13 политических заключенных (spring96.org)


Anastasiya Hancharevich — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

Drawings by Anastasiya from prison to her children&relatives, to each letter...:

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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