+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1328 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 14.03.25

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born | д.р.:  06.02.76         detained | задержана: 01.12.20 - 16.09.24

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 6 years & 1 month in a penal colony

"Autukhovich case"; included into so-called "KGB-terrorist list"

released | освобождена: 16.09.24 - pardoned

women released | женщины освобождены (belaruswomen.org)

#FreeHarachkina !
#Гарачкіна #Harachkina #Горячкина

Octavie Modert - CSV - Chrëschtlech-Sozial Vollekspartei is Vice-Chairwoman of the Sub-Committee on Human Rights. Through the #WeStandBYyou campaign, Octavie Modert has become the godparent of Iryna Harachkina.

#28 in project "Unbreakable" | "Несломленные" 

#unbreakable #behindbars  #несломленные #зарешеткой

Iryna Harachkina was detained on 01.12.20, included into so-called "terrorist list" / "Autukhovich case". The trial began on 18.05.22 in Grodno Prison 1. Judge - Maxim Filatov.

Iryna Harachkina received 6 years and 1 month of imprisonment in a general-security penal colony and a fine of 9,600 Belarusian rubles ($3,800) in a high-profile Autukhovich case. She was convicted of ‘illegal actions in relation to objects which action is based on use of combustible substances’ (Article 295-3) and ‘misprision of felony’ (Part 1 of Article 405 of the CC).

The defendants in the case were political activist Mikalai Autukhovich, priest Siarhei Rezanovich, his wife Liubou Rezanovich, their son Pavel Rezanovich, pensioner Halina Dzerbysh, activist Uladzimir Hundar, activist Volha Mayorava, pensioner Iryna Melkher and her son Anton Melkher, and Iryna Harachkina, Viktar Snehur and Pavel Sava. They have been held behind bars for 22 months. Only two of them fully admitted their guilt.  All of them were detained in December–January 2020. The authorities immediately declared Autukhovich the organizer and leader of a “terrorist group” that operated in the Hrodna region and allegedly set police officers’ cars and houses on fire.

The trial lasted 5 months. The verdict was pronounced on 17.10.22 in the Hrodna Regional Court. 

Ирина Горячкина была задержана 01.12.20 (ст 289 УК РБ), включена в так называемый "террористический список" . "Дело Автуховича"

Судебное разбирательство началось 18.05.22 года в СИЗО гродненской Тюрьмы № 1. Судья — Максим Филатов.

Ирина Горячкина была осуждена по ч. 3 ст. 295 УК "незаконные действия в отношении предметов, поражающее действие которых основано на использовании горючих веществ" и ч. 1 ст. 405 УК "укрывательство тяжкого преступления".

Гродненский областной суд  17.10.22 огласил приговор — 6 лет и 1 месяц колонии в условиях общего режима и 300 базовых величин штрафа (9 600 рублей).

#ShameJudge #Filatau #ShameFilatau #ShameJudges 

#ГаньбаФілатаў #ПозорФилатов #дзялок #делок #dealer 

#blacklist #sanctions #мывсезаписываем #davedachka #даведачка

We appeal to the so-called "judge" Filatau  and demand to stop the bullying of innocent Belarusians!

Мы звяртаемся да так званага "суддзі" Філатава і і патрабуем спыніць здзекі над нявіннымі беларусамі! 

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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