+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1332 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 09.03.25

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born|д.р.:  09.04.64       detained|задержана: 18.05.21

released|освобождена: on 13.05.22 released on bail under an obligation not to leave the country

chief engineer at TUT.BY. Source: Ala Lapatka — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

#FreeLapatka !

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Kassem Taher Saleh (German Bundestag, Alliance 90/The Greens) for Ala Lapatka:  “Freedom of the press and media is the fourth pillar of democracy and thus particularly worthy of protection. Especially in an autocratically and repressively ruled country, it is of enormous importance that journalists can report independently and expose the machinations of the dictator. One of these courageous media workers is Ala Lapatka, who was one of the last independent reporters with her work at the news portal TUT.BY. This made her a thorn in the side of the regime. In May, a flimsy case was opened for alleged tax evasion – a tried and tested means of intimidation. After the offices were searched, Ala Lapatka was arrested and has been in detention without charge ever since. The conditions in prison are catastrophic. The Lukashenko regime must release Ala Lapatka and the many other political prisoners immediately! The violence against peaceful demonstrators must be dealt with. And democratic elections are finally needed in Belarus.”

18.09.21: "The defendants in the Tut.by case were extended their detention for another 2 months", Daily News

15.07.21: "The term of detention of the accused in the "Tut.by case" was extended for another two months", Daily News

​25.05.21: "TUT.BY employees are political prisoners", Vjasna

25.05.21: Belarusian authorities briefly detain 4 Tut.by journalists; at least 13 staff remain in custody

21.05.21: "Что известно о задержанных сотрудниках TUT.BY? Рассказывают коллеги", Беларуская Асацыяція Журналістаў

19.05.21: Shutdown Of Belarus' Largest Independent News Site Part Of 'War Against Genuine Journalists', Critics Say

18.05.21: Belarus - Weißrussland sperrt wichtigste unabhängige Nachrichtenseite - Wiener Zeitung Online

18.05.21: Дело против Tut.by: силовики пришли к журналистам, домен заблокирован. Комментарий КГК (onliner.by)

Ala Lapatka is chief engineer at TUT.BY. She is one of the first employees of the media. She was responsible for the distribution of tasks in the development department, contacts with managers and conflict resolution. The colleagues say that Alla always protected them, and add that their main manager is a bright and kind person.

She was detained on 18.05.21, in the framework of a criminal case initiated against TUT.BY for tax evasion on an especially large scale (Part 2 of Article 243 of the Criminal Code).

13.05.22 Ala was released from the pre-trial detention centre in Minsk. She was changed her preventive measure and the charges were not dropped. RELEASED on bail under an obligation not to leave the country.

Алла Викторовна Лапатко — главный инженер TUT.BY.

Алла — одна из первых сотрудниц портала. Она занимается распределением задач в отделе разработки, контактами с менеджерами и урегулированием конфликтов. Коллеги рассказывают, что Алла всегда защищает своих подчиненных, и добавляют, что их главный менеджер — светлый и добрый человек. 

Алла была задержана 18.05.21 года в рамках уголовного дела, начатого против TUT.BY за уклонение от уплаты налогов в особо крупном размере (ч. 2 ст. 243 Уголовного кодекса).

13.05.22 Алла была освобождена из СИЗО в Минске. Ей изменили меру пресечения, обвинения не сняты. Подписка о невыезде.

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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