+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1331 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 10.03.25

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MALETS Natallia | МАЛЕЦ Наталья

born | д.р.:  01.09.78         detained | задержана: 15.02.22

sentenced by Lukashenka regime to 1 year colony

for "insulting the President" and a government official"; from Hrodna

released | освобождена: on 28.12.22 fully served her sentence

#FreeMalets !

#Малец #Malets

N. Malets infos & in media: 

01.09.22: З Днем Нараджэння, Наталля! Happy Birthday, Natallia! 

Video: greeting cards sent by BWF to prison

Natallia Malets was detained on 15.02.22 in Hrodna. She was sentenced to 1 year of imprisonment in a penal colony under Articles 368 (insulting the President) and 369 of the Criminal Code (insulting a government official).

Наталья Тадеушевна Малец была задержана 15.02.22 в Гродно. По статьям 369 "Оскорбление представителя власти" и 368 "Оскорбление президента" УК. 13.05.22 Наталью осудили на 1 год колонии.


Natallia Malets — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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