+++167 WOMEN political prisoners in Belarus +++in TOTAL: 1331 political prisoners in Belarus+++ UPD 10.03.25

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born | д.р.: 18.02.02         detained | задержана: 30.11.20

released | освобождена: RELEASED on 06.09.22 (fully served her sentence)

sentenced to 2 years in prison

source: Safiya Malashevich — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

#FreeMalashevich !

#Малашэвіч #Malashevich #Малашевич

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco

René Repasi (Member of the European Parliament) for Safiya Malashevich: “Over 100,000 people have taken to the streets of Belarus in peaceful rallies since the summer of 2020 to stand up for their right to free and democratic elections. The mass protests were the people's response to the obviously rigged presidential elections by dictator Alyaksandr Lukashenka. Despite the regime's violent attempt to suppress the protests, countless courageous citizens continued to protest. Women in particular have played a crucial role in the protests, including Safiya Malashevich, who was only 18 years old at the time. Safiya, who turns 20 today, 18 February, was first arrested during the democracy movement protests in Belarus in September 2020. Her only offence was to spray graffiti on the shields of some government vehicles. A few months later, she was sentenced to two years in a penal colony. The sentence lacks any basis in the rule of law and testifies to the ruthlessness and cruelty of the regime!

As a Member of the European Parliament, I call on the prison administration in Gomel and the government in #Belarus to immediately end the inhumane solitary confinement of Safiya Malashevich and to immediately release her and the over 1000 political prisoners in Belarus! Let Safiya spend her birthday with her family.“

#50 in project "Unbreakable" | "Несломленные" 

#unbreakable #behindbars  #несломленные #зарешеткой

Videos, BWF:​

Video "I'm a political prisoner S. Malashevich" ENG

Portait, BWF:

Видео "Я-политзаключенная С. Малашевич" RU

09.08.21: Video "SOS" | видеопризыв "SOS" : Svetlana, mother of Safiya Malashevich calls for release of her daughther

S. Malashevich infos & in media:

06.09.22: На волю сёння выйшла Сафія Малашэвіч!, Dissident.BY

02.09.22: Safiya Malashevich in project "Unbreakable" | "Несломленные", BWF

18.02.22: René Repasi, Member of the European Parliament, has taken over the symbolic godparenthood of Safiya Malashevich, after the retirement of her former godparent MEP Evelyne Gebhardt, Libereco

18.02.22: "Happy Birthday, Safiya!", BWF

06.02.22: Маці палітзняволенай Сафіі Малашэвіч не атрымлівае ніякіх звестак ад дачкі амаль месяц, Viasna

07.09.21: "19 y.o. #PoliticalPrisoner Sofia Malashevich was placed in a punishment cell 3 times in 3 months", BWF

09.08.21: Video "SOS", by BWF: Svetlana, mother of S. Malashevich calls for release of her daughther, BWF

03.06.21: Statement of Evelyne Gebhardt (Member of the European Parliament) reg. Safiya Malashevich, FB

09.02.21: OSCE Permanent Council No. 1301 Vienna, 4 February 2021 EU Statement on human rights violations in Belarus, Delegation of the European Union to the International Organisations in Vienna

22.01.21: Two 18-year-old protesters get prison terms over drawing on Rubezh defensive system shields, Belsat

22.01.21: Политзаключенная София Малашевич в последнем слове: "Клянусь, Тихон не заслуживает такого наказания", Vjasna

14.01.21: Начали судить политзаключенных Софью Малашевич и Тихона Клюкоча за надписи на щитах спецтехники, Vjasna

17.12.20: "Immediately release political prisoners Tsikhan Kliukach and Safiya Malashevich", Vjasna


15.09.20: Новые "криминалки": девушек обвиняют в срывании маски с милиционера и за рисунок на спецтехнике " Рубеж", Vjasna

Safiya Malashevich was initially detained on 06.09.20 during the March of Unity, after she spray-painted several drawings and slogans on the metal shields installed on riot-control vehicles. She was called a suspect under Part 1 of Art. 342 "organization or participation in group actions that gravely breach public order" and Part 2 of Art. 339 CC "hooliganism committed by a group of persons".

Safiya was released on bail, but re-arrested on 30.11.20.

On 22.01.21, Judge Volha Niaborskaya of the Kastryčnicki District Court of Minsk sentenced Malashevich to 2 years in a general security penal colony. During the trial, the prosecution changed Malashevich’s initial indictment, reclassifying it to Part 1 of Art. 339.

On 06.09.22 Safiya was released.

Erstmals am 06.09.2020 beim „Marsch der Einheit“ wegen Landfriedensbruchs und Vandalismus verhaftet, weil Safiya ein Grafitto auf eine Absperranlage gesprüht hatte. Unter der Auflage, die Stadt nicht zu verlassen, wurde sie entlassen. Am 30.11.2020 wurde sie erneut verhaftet und wegen Landfriedensbruchs sowie Beleidigung des Präsidenten angeklagt. Sie wurde am 22.01.21 zu 2 Jahren Haft in einem Straflager verurteilt.

София Малашевич в первый раз была задержана 06.09.20 на акции протеста "Марш единства", во время которой она баллончиком с краской рисовала на поверхности щитов специальных средств заграждения. Она стала подозреваемой по уголовному делу по ст. 342 УК "Участие в групповых действиях, грубо нарушающих общественный порядок" и ч. 2 ст. 339 УК "Хулиганство, совершенное группой лиц". Тогда ее отпустили под подписку о невыезде, но снова задержали 30.11.20 и поместили под стражу.

Также стало известно, что Софию обвиняют в оскорблении президента (ст. 368 УК РБ).

Во время суда обвинение переквалифицировало ч. 2 ст. 339, согласно которой обвинили Софию Малашевич, на ч. 1 ст. 339 и путем составления наказаний по трем статьям (ч. 1 ст. 368, ч.1 ст. 342, ч.1 ст. 339) вынесли ей приговор: 2 года лишения свободы в колонии общего режима.

06.09.22 София была освобождена

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco

Evelyne Gebhardt (Member of the European Parliament) for Safiya Malashevich: “After the presidential elections in Belarus in August 2020, which were neither free nor fair, the population showed a lot of courage and took their displeasure to the streets. For this, they deserve my deepest respect. Instead of responding to the demands of the citizens, ruler Lukashenko has chosen a path of violence and repression. Brutal crackdowns on protests and arbitrary arrests have been his cruel response to the wishes of the people. Among the political prisoners is Safiya Malashevich, who was arrested at just 18 years old and has now been in prison since November 2020. To express my solidarity with the opposition movement, I would like to be  Safiya godparent. She is young woman who courageously stands up for a peaceful and democratic society in Belarus and has to pay for this with her own freedom. I call on Alexander Lukashenko: Release Safiya and the hundreds of other political prisoners immediately! The people of Belarus are fighting for democracy and freedom. The time of oppression must end!” 

03.06.21 Statement of Evelyne Gebhardt 

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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