You can support our March birthday girls, women political prisoners in Belarus, and cheer them up at this difficult time by addresses below or by e-mail via the services
Solidarity Postcards Atelier - Viasna
Letters to political prisoners - Dissidentby
Let's make them happier!
ИК № 24
247526 Гомельская область
Речицкий район, г. п. Заречье
ул. Производственная, 44
vulica Vytvorčaja, 44,
Zarečča, Rečyca district,
247526 Homieĺ region Belarus
They need our support
#FreeChumak ! #Чумак #Chumak
#FreeHlinskayaV ! #Глінская #Hlinskaya #Глинская
#FreeKukushkina ! #Кукушкіна #Kukushkina #Кукушкина
#FreeLeanovich ! #Леановіч #Leanovich #Леонович
#FreeMalkevich ! #Малькевіч #Malkevich #Малькевич
#FreeAblab ! #Аблаб #Ablab
#FreeSochyuka ! #Сачыўка #Sochyuka #Сочивко
#FreeLychkouskaya ! #Лычкоўская #Lychkouskaya #Лычковская
#FreeHnauk ! #Гнаўк #Hnauk #Гнаук
#FreeCharniha ! #Чарніга #Charniha #Чернига
#FreeSharendaPanasiuk ! #ШарэндаПанасюк #SharendaPanasiuk
#FreeRamanovich ! #Рамановіч #Ramanovich #Романович
#birthday #women #politicalprisoners #March
#FreeBelarusWomen #FreePoliticalPrisoners