Happy New Year 2024!

The festive season is upon us, and we are busy in festive preparations to celebrate the New Year. We are buying gifts, choosing outfits, and planning menus for our New Year parties. Meanwhile, our relatives and friends in Belarus continue living under brutal repressions and being held hostage by the Lukashenko regime.

Thousands of imprisoned Belarusians will welcome the New Year in cold prison cells, while hundreds of children and families will again find themselves separated from their loved ones.

New Year is a time when people expect miracles to happen and dreams to come true. Each of us can perform a little miracle for someone.

Even sending a simple postcard to those who have been deprived of their freedom, may bring joy and smiles to their faces.

Please do not walk past the elderly and people in need who are trying to survive by selling hand-made items on the streets.

You can offer help by giving them some money, buying a cup of tea or some food.

Do not walk pass homeless animals. In cold temperatures, they rely on our kindness to survive.

You may just be the person to make someone’s dream come true. By offering each other a helping hand, we remain human!

Dear fellow Belarusians, the team of the Belarusian Women’s Foundation wishes you peace, kindness, and happiness! May all your dreams come true!

Take care of yourself, your relatives, and your loved ones!

Happy New Year 2024!

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

Your contribution helps to make human rights violations public and to provide humanitarian aid.

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