On May 21, 2021 Belarus Women's Foundation sent an open letter to UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and other UK government officials urging them to support the case against Lukashenka.
"More than 1,000 injured Belarusian citizens appealed to the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office to initiate criminal proceedings on the grounds of torture, abuse of power and official powers by employees of security forces and places of detention. Alexander Lukashenko, the General Prosecutor's Office, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs not only failed to investigate specific cases of torture but, but they also failed to issue any public statement condemning the use of all forms of torture. On behalf of the Belarus Women’s Foundation, and also thousands of victims who are in contact with us, I would like to inform you that we are initiating criminal proceedings against Belarusian ruler Alexander Lukashenko for crimes against humanity pursuant to the Code of Crimes against International Law. We ask for Great Britain support".

#LukashenkaTribunal !
#RoadToTheHague #ICC #CrimesAgainstHumanity