born | д.р.: 26.05.95       detained | задержана: 09.09.20

released | освобождена: 08.12.20  to 18 month of "home imprisonment", forced emigration. Details: Vjasna Human Rights Center

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Barbara Hendricks (former Federal Minister and Member of the German Bundestag) for Maryia Bobovich: “The arbitrary arrests and the draconian punishments for the smallest offences are further signs of the desperation with which Lukashenka is clinging to his power. I am especially in solidarity with the courageous women like Maryia Babovich, who initiate and support the protests. I fully endorse the core demands of the protest movement and call for an end to violence, the release of all political prisoners, Lukashenka’s resignation and new elections followed by a constitutional process. To the peaceful demonstrators in Belarus, I call out: “We stand by your side.”

M. Babovich infos & in media:

19.07.21: Interview with M. Babovich under our Project "My step to freedom" | Интервью с М. Бобович в рамках нашего проекта "Мой шаг к свободе"

Maryia Babovich was detained on 09.09.20 for painting the phrase "We Will Not Forget" on a sidewalk near the Pushkinskaya metro station in Minsk. A criminal case was instituted against Maryia under Part 2 of Art. 339 of the Criminal Code, "hooliganism committed by a group of persons." A few days later she was released, but later she was called to the police again, where she was charged under Art. 341 of the Criminal Code, "desecration of structures and damage to property."

Later, the charge was again reclassified to Part 2 of Art. 339 and Part 2 of Art. 218 of the Criminal Code, "deliberate destruction or damage to property committed in a generally dangerous manner or causing large-scale damage", and Maria was detained before trial.

On December 8, 2020, the Frunzienski District Court of Minsk sentenced Maryia Babovich to 18 months of restricted liberty ("home imprisonment"). The girl was released in the courtroom. Forced emigration.

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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