born | д.р.:  31.10.86      detained | задержана: 22.08.22

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 2 years in a penal colony

for comments in social media "insulted police officers"; 


released | освобождена:  05.01.24 - fully served her sentence

women released | женщины освобождены (

#FreeBarushka !
#Барушка #Barushka #Борушко

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Ingrid Fiskaa (Vice-President of the Norwegian Parliament and a member of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence) for Volha Barushka: "Barushka Volha was imprisoned for standing up for democracy in Belarus. Freedom of speech is a human right and fundamental in all democracies. My deepfelt solidarity goes to Barushka and other courageous trade union activists fighting the human right violations in Belarus. As her godparent I call for the immediate release of Barushka Volha and other political prisoners in Belarus"

Barushka Volha is an anesthesiologist at the Minsk Scientific and Practical Center for Surgery, Transplantation and Hematology. On the «repentant» video, a 35-year-old woman says that she was detained because of comments on the Internet - allegedly "she insulted police officers".

Charges indicted:

Art. 369 CC "Insulting a government official"
Art. 391 CC "Insulting a judge"

At the end of December 2022, Volha was sentenced to 2 years colony.

Борушко Ольга - анестезиолог-реаниматолог Минского научно-практического центра хирургии, трансплантологии и гематологии. На «покаянном» видео 35-летняя женщина говорит, что задержана из-за комментариев в интернете — якобы она "оскорбляла сотрудников милиции".

Предъявлены обвинения:

ст. 369 УК "Оскорбление представителя власти"
ст. 391 УК "Оскорбление судьи"

В конце декабря 2022 года осуждена на 2 года колонии общего режима.

V. Barushka infos & in media:

04.06.24: З гомельскай калоніі ў траўні вызвалілася палітзняволеная лекарка-рэаніматолаг | Гомельская вясна (

12.07.23: 7 Members of the Norwegian Parliament take on a godparenthood for imprisoned trade union activists (

15.03.23: List of political prisoners updated with 20 new names (

15.03.23: Заявление правозащитников о признании 20 новых политических заключённых (

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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