KALYBENKA Katsiaryna | КОЛЫБЕНКО Екатерина

born | д.р.:  08.06.94      detained | задержана: 10.01.23

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 3,5 years open-type penal colony | ИУОТ, "химия" 

for comments in social media: "insulted police officer"

#FreeKalybenka !
#Калыбенка #Kalybenka #Колыбенко​

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Pina Picierno (Vice-President of the European Parliament and Italian member of the Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats for Partito Democratico) for Katsiaryna Kalybenka: “I decided to “adopt” Katsiaryna Kalybenka, who was convicted under Articles 369 and 364 of the Criminal Code for a commentary towards an internal bodies officer posted on the Internet. She was sentenced to three years and six months of restricted freedom with a referral to an open-type penal facility. The Belarusian regime of Lukashenko daily represses political opposition, journalists and media, committing human rights abuses. The regime must be held accountable for its crimes against Belarusians and its support for Russia’s war against Ukraine. I stand by you and your right to be free. Europe stands by these brave political prisoners!”

Katsiaryna Kalybenka was convicted for a commentary towards an internal bodies officer posted on the Internet.

Charges indicted:

Art. 364 CC "Violence or threat of violence against an employee of the internal affairs bodies"
Art. 369 CC "Insulting a government official"

She was sentenced to 3 years of restricted freedom with a referral to an open-type penal facility (CF)

Kalybenka was sent to serve her sentence in open-type penal colony #25 in Hrodna.

Колыбенко Екатерина  осуждена за комментирование в интернете в отношении сотрудника МВД

Предъявлены обвинения:

ст. 364 УК "Насилие либо угроза применения насилия в отношении сотрудника органов внутренних дел"
ст. 369 УК "Оскорбление представителя власти"

Приговорена к 3,5 годам ограничения свободы с направлением в исправительное учреждение открытого типа, направлена ​​в ИУОТ-25 для отбывания наказания.

K. Kalybenka infos & in media: 

15.03.23: List of political prisoners updated with 20 new names (spring96.org)

15.03.23: Заявление правозащитников о признании 20 новых политических заключённых (spring96.org)


Katsiaryna Kalybenka — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

Екатерина Сергеевна Колыбенко — Dissidentby

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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