born|д.р.: 17.10.81 detained|задержана: 18.05.21
released|освобождена: 04/22 on bail under an obligation not to leave the country
former lawyer at TUT.BY.
Source: Iryna Kastsiuchenka — Political prisoners in Belarus (
#FreeKastsiuchenka !
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Deborah Düring (German Bundestag, Alliance 90/The Greens, member of the Committee for Economic Cooperation and Development) for I. Kastsiuchenka: “My full solidarity goes to all people in Belarus who are exposed to state violence and criminalised because of their commitment to democracy and the rule of law, to fair and free elections. Freedom of the press and freedom of expression are not crimes, but universal human rights that must be upheld everywhere. I stand firmly on the side of democratic civil society and therefore become the godparent of Iryna Kastsiuchenka. She has worked as a lawyer for the independent news portal TUT.BY and has been in detention since 18 May 2021. She and all other political prisoners must be released immediately and unconditionally.”

18.09.21: "The defendants in the case were extended their detention for another 2 months", Daily News
15.07.21: "The term of detention of the accused in the " case" was extended for another two months", Daily News
25.05.21: "TUT.BY employees are political prisoners", Vjasna
25.05.21: Belarusian authorities briefly detain 4 journalists; at least 13 staff remain in custody
21.05.21: "Что известно о задержанных сотрудниках TUT.BY? Рассказывают коллеги", Беларуская Асацыяція Журналістаў
18.05.21: Belarus - Weißrussland sperrt wichtigste unabhängige Nachrichtenseite - Wiener Zeitung Online
18.05.21: Дело против силовики пришли к журналистам, домен заблокирован. Комментарий КГК (
Iryna Kastsiuchenka former lawyer at TUT.BY.
She was detained on 18.05.21 in the framework of a criminal case initiated against TUT.BY for tax evasion on an especially large scale (Part 2 of Article 243 of the Criminal Code). A few days later, Iryna was placed under house arrest. In April 22 Iryna was released on bail under an obligation not to leave the country.
Ирина Костюченко была задержана 18.05.21 в рамках уголовного дела, начатого против TUT.BY за уклонение от уплаты налогов в особо крупном размере (ч. 2 ст. 243 Уголовного кодекса).
В апреле 2022 года стало известно, что Ирине изменили меру пресечения с домашнего ареста на подписку о невыезде.