born | д.р.: 20.08.55 detained | задержана: 08.12.20
sentenced by lukashenka regime to 17 years in a penal colony
arrested together with her son Anton Melkher, "Autukhovich case";
entrepreneur, pensioner
"Extremist List" MIA of Belarus
"Terrorist List" KGB of Belarus
#FreeMelkher !
#Мельхер #Melkher
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Anikó Merten (German Bundestag, Free Democratic Party) for Iryna Melkher: “There are currently over 1,200 political prisoners in Belarus. As a Free Democrat, it is of outstanding importance to me to give these people a voice through a godparenthood. It is unacceptable how the Lukashenko regime acts against people who, in legitimate protests, pointed out the democratic deficits and proven electoral fraud in their country and fought against such conditions. The knowledge that torture and arbitrariness prevail in Belarusian prisons is unbearable. I therefore call for the immediate release of all political prisoners and for a new election to be held as soon as possible. This must be a result of a structured dialogue between the opposition and those in power, mediated by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE).”

Iryna Melkher is an individual entrepreneur and pensioner detained on 08.12.20 detained on terrorism (!!!) charges together with her son Anton Melkher.
Irina and Anton were detained in their home. Anton was arrested first, Iryna went to find out where he was and returned with investigators. So, both of them were taken from the house, along with all the computer equipment. Iryna’s husband could not call anyone - he was left with a broken phone and sick legs (at that time, he moved only with crutches).
All the detainees in the cells, in which Iryna and Anton were held, got Covid-19. Iryna hardly slept in the KGB detention center, suffered a hypertensive crisis, her health was getting worse every day.
In February 2021, the KGB put the political prisoner on the list of persons involved in terrorist activities.
The defendants in the "Autukhovich Case" were political activist Mikalai Autukhovich, priest Siarhei Rezanovich, his wife Liubou Rezanovich, their son Pavel Rezanovich, pensioner Halina Dzerbysh, activist Uladzimir Hundar, activist Volha Mayorava, pensioner Iryna Melkher and her son Anton Melkher, and Iryna Harachkina, Viktar Snehur and Pavel Sava. They have been held behind bars for 22 months. All of them were detained in December–January 2020. The authorities immediately declared Autukhovich the organizer and leader of a “terrorist group” that operated in the Hrodna region and allegedly set police officers’ cars and houses on fire.
The trial began on 18.05.22 in Grodno Prison 1 and lasted 5 months.
The verdict was pronounced on 17.10.22 in the Hrodna Regional Court. "Judge" Maxim Filatov imposed jail terms ranging from 2,5 to 25 years.
Iryna Melkher - Charges indicted:
Art. 342 СС "Organization and preparation of actions that grossly violate public order, or active participation in them"
Part 2 of Art. 285 СС "Participation in a criminal organization in any other form
Art. 289 СС "An act of terrorism"
Part 1 of Art. 14 and Part 2 of Art. 357 СС "Attempted conspiracy to seize state power by unconstitutional means"
On 17.10.22 Iryna Melkher was sentenced to 17 years of imprisonment in a general-security penal colony and a fine of 22,400 Belarusian rubles ($8,800).
Ирина Мельхер — индивидуальная предпринимательница и пенсионерка, задержанная 08.12.20 вместе с сыном Антоном Мельхером. Ирину и Антона задержали в своем доме. Сначала забрали Антона, Ирина поехала выяснять, где он находится, а вернулась со следователями. Так, из дома забрали обоих, а также всю компьютерную технику. Муж Ирины не мог никому позвонить — он остался со сломанным телефоном и больными ногами (в то время он передвигался только с костылями). О задержании узнали только благодаря соседям, которые зашли проверить, все ли в порядке.
Обе камеры, в которых находились Ирина и Антон, в полном составе перенесли Covid-19. Ирина Мельхер в СИЗО КГБ почти не спала, перенесла гипертонический криз, ее самочувствие каждый день становилось все хуже.
В феврале 2021 года КГБ внес политзаключенную в список "лиц, причастных к террористической деятельности".
Судебное разбирательство началось 18.05.22 года в СИЗО гродненской Тюрьмы № 1 и длилось 5 месяцев. Судья — Максим Филатов.
Ирине Мельхер были предъявлены обвинения:
ст. 342 УК "Организация и подготовка действий, грубо нарушающих общественный порядок, либо активное участие в них"
ч. 2 ст. 285 УК "Участие в преступной организации в любой иной форме"
ст. 289 УК "Акт терроризма"
ч. 1 ст. 14 и ч. 2 ст. 357 УК "Покушение на заговор с целью захвата государственной власти неконституционным путем"
17.10.22 Гродненский областной суд огласил приговор фигурантам "Дела Автуховича". "Cудья" Максим Филатов назначил Ирине Мельхер 17 лет колонии в условиях общего режима и 700 базовых величин штрафа (22 400 рублей).
I. Melkher infos & in media:
07.04.23: Iryna Melkher in project "Unbreakable" | "Несломленные", BWF
18.10.22: Belarus Hands Out Its Biggest Politically Motivated Sentence Yet. Who Are The Defendants In the Autukhovich Case? (
17.10.22: Да 25 гадоў калоніі. Вынесены прысуды па "справе Аўтуховіча" (
20.08.22: З Днем Нараджэння, Ірына! Happy Birthday, Iryna! Greatingcards sent by BWF to prison

24.05.22: У судзе па «справе Аўтуховіча» пачынаецца допыт абвінавачаных (
23.05.22: ДАВЕДАЧКА: Філатаў: Дзялок карнай індустрыі Лукашенкі
| Filatau: Dealer of the Lukashenka's punitive industry, BWF
23.05.22: СУДЗІЛІШЧА па "справе групы Аўтуховіча" ( | SHOW TRIAL "Autukhovich case" (

19.05.22: Второй день суда по «делу Автуховича»: что происходит на процессе (
18.05.22: В гродненской тюрьме начался суд по делу «группы Автуховича» (
26.10.21: "12 new names on list of political prisoners", Vjasna
26.10.21: Заявление правозащитных организаций Беларуси о признании 12 новых политзаключенных (
03.09.21: КГБ внес "Отряды Хофмана" в террористический список - 03.09.2021, Sputnik Беларусь
15.02.21: "KGB puts former political prisoners Alinevich, Autukhovich on ‘terrorist’ list", Belsat
28.12.20: "Lukashenka says Autukhovich brought weapons across border", Belsat
29.10.20: "KGB says arson at traffic police building is act of terrorism", Belsat
22.10.20: "Protests turn into terrorist threats, Interior Ministry says", Belsat
Iryna Melkher — Political prisoners in Belarus (
Anton Melkher — Political prisoners in Belarus (
Mikalai Autukhovich gets 25 years in jail, members of his ‘group’—up to 20 (

#ShameJudge #Filatau #ShameFilatau #ShameJudges
#ГаньбаФілатаў #ПозорФилатов #дзялок #делок #dealer
#blacklist #sanctions #мывсезаписываем #davedachka #даведачка
We appeal to the so-called "judge" Filatau and demand to stop the bullying of innocent Belarusians!
Мы звяртаемся да так званага "суддзі" Філатава і і патрабуем спыніць здзекі над нявіннымі беларусамі!