born|д.р.: 02.04.94        detained|задержана: 22.03.22

sentenced by lukashenka regime to 3 years in a penal colony

#FreePyshnik !
      #Пышнік #Pyshnik #Пышник          

Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco 

Theresa Berg Andersen (Member of the Folketing / The Danish Parliament, The Green Left) for Hanna Pyshnik: “The world has united against the meaningless Russian aggression against Ukraine, and some brave people in Belarus do what in their power to help Ukraine to resist and perform various acts of solidarity. One of those heroes is Hanna Pyshnik, whom I decided to support and be her voice while she is serving 3 years of imprisonment for delivering videos of Russian military movements on Belarusian territory to Ukrainian authorities. First of all, Hanna must be immediately released. Secondly, Belarus must stop providing its territory and resources to Russia for aggression against Ukraine.”

Hanna Pyshnik (maiden name Chympayesh) was detained on 22.03.22 in Mazyr. According to the prosecution, she “shot a video of helicopters moving for a biased destructive resource”.

Hanna was charged under Article 361-4 of the Criminal Code (Promoting extremist activities).

On 16.08.22 Lukashenka regim sentenced Hanna to 3 years in prison.

Анна Геннадьевна Пышник (Чимпоеш) была задержана 22.03.22  Мозыре. По версии обвинения, она "сняла видео с перемещением вертолетов для ангажированного деструктивного ресурса".

Анну обвиняют по статье 361-4 УК (Содействие экстремистскому формированию). 

16.08.22 режим Лукашенко приговорил Анну к 3 годам колонии.

H. Pyshnik infos & in media: 

16.08.22: Жыхарку Мазыра асудзілі за відэа расійскіх верталётаў (

15.04.22: Taking pics of Russian troops considered extremism (

15.04.22: Заявление о признании правозащитниками Беларуси восьми политзаключенных (

02.04.22: Happy Birthday, Hanna! BWF

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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