TURAVA Natallia | ТУРОВА Наталья

born | д.р.: 14.07.72         detained | задержана: 18.08.21

released | освобождена: on 09.03.22; pardoned after 6 months in prison

source: Natallia Turava — Political prisoners in Belarus (spring96.org)

#FreeTurava !

N. Turava infos &  in media:

09.03.22: Дзвюх палітзняволеных жанчын павінны вызваліць сёння ўвечары «па памілаванні», Viasna

23.08.21: "HRDs call to release 9 persons convicted of defamation offenses", Viasna

21.08.21: "БЧБ-флаги на опорах ЛЭП, оскорбления Караева и Лукашенко, порванный под "Воины света" флаг – за что судили по диффамационным статьям на этой неделе", Viasna

Natallia Turava was sentenced on August 18, 2021 to one year and one month of imprisonment in a penal colony by the Lieninski District Court of Brest under Part 1 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code for insulting the president and Part 1 of Art. 377 of the Criminal Code for damaging a protocol.

According to the prosecution, on May 27, 2021, the police arrived at Natallia's home. There, the woman  “publicly insulted” Lukashenka  with the words “we have a fricking state” and “fricking president”, by which, in the opinion of the state prosecution, committed a crime under Part 1 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code. An hour after saying these words, the investigators searched the woman's apartment. During the raid, according to the prosecution, "wishing to express her superiority and permissiveness," Turava ripped up a police protocol. By doing this, the woman “damaged an official document” (Part 1 of article 377 of the Criminal Code).

After the announcement of the verdict, Natallia was taken into custody.

Natallia Turava wird vorgeworfen, am 27. Mai 2021 den belarussischen Präsidenten öffentlich beleidigt zu haben. Turava wurde festgenommen und ihre Wohnung durchsucht. Bei der Durchsuchung soll die Angeklagte ein Protokoll zerissen haben. Sie wurde wegen Beleidigung des Präsidenten und Zerstörung amtlicher Dokumente angeklagt. Am 18.8.2021 wurde sie zu 1 Jahr und 1 Monat Haft verurteilt.

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Women political prisoners in Belarus

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