born | д.р.: 23.11.79 detained | задержана: 25.09.20
released | освобождена: 20.04.21 to 3 years "home imprisonment", forced emigration
Manager, volunteer. Details: Vjasna Human Rights Center
Godparenthood for political prisoners in Belarus | Libereco
Nicola Beer (Vice-President of the European Parliament) for Hanna Sunhurava: "“I am Hanna Sunhurava’s godmother. She was arrested on 25 September. Imprisoned for her work for freedom, democracy and human rights in Belarus. In the middle of Europe. This is unacceptable! I would therefore like to say to Hanna and to all of you: we will not leave you alone, we stand with you against the oppressive regime of the ruler Lukashenka. We stand with you when you take to the streets for your rights, when you stand up against electoral fraud, oppression and violence. We stand with you when you are arbitrarily arrested and attempts are made to suppress your voice, to intimidate you. We stand with you and make your fate public so that the Lukashenka regime knows that its arbitrariness will not go unrecognised. In every single case. For Hanna Sunhurava and all Belarusian citizens, I call on the regime to release political prisoners immediately and to clear the way for a new democratic start in Belarus. Europe is at your side, Hanna.”
Videos, BWF:
Video "I'm a political prisoner H. Sunhurava"
Portrait, BWF:
Видео "Я-политзаключенная А. Сунгурова" RU
A. Sunhurava in media:
03.12.21: "БЧБ-банты и очереди в карцер: как заключенные боролись за праздники", Belsat
23.11.21: "Happy Birthday, Hanna", BWF

20.04.21: "Three years of home confinement for mother of three: political prisoner Hanna Sunhurava convicted", Vjasna
18.03.21: Nicola Beer, die Vize-Präsidentin des Europäischen Parlaments, übernahm im November 2020 die Gefangenen-Patenschaft für Hanna Sunhurava. 18. März Bundesweiter Aktionstag für die Freiheit der politischen Gefangenen
29.10.20: «Живет для других и видит в этом счастье». Мама о политической заключенной Анне Сунгуровой", Vjasna
07.10.20: "20 new names on list of political prisoners", Vjasna
Hanna Sunhurava is a manager at a furniture company. Hanna participated in the post-election protests and helped other protesters get home after dispersals and detention. She was detained on September 25.
Hanna was called a suspect under Part 2 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code, "participation in riots."
She is the mother of three children.
On April 20, 2021, Judge Sviatlana Charapovich of the Pieršamajskaha District Court of Minsk sentenced Hanna Sunhurava to three years of restricted freedom (so-called “home khimiya” or home confinement). She was found guilty of committing a crime under Article 342 of the Criminal Code (organization or active participation in group actions that grossly violate public order). The convict was released in the courtroom to await an appeal hearing. Forced emigration